Who would have thought expert Attorney Patrick Clancy could predict and articulate how our wrongful accusation experience would play out to the tee! He has it described to dotting the "i's" and crossing the 't's!!" Today, approximately 60% of alledged child molestation claims turn out to be false yet those who should know better proceed to crucify all those accused blocking their due justice! CPS, detectives and prosecutors proceed with a vendetta and IGNORE all arguments/evidence or lack of evidence suggesting the accusations are false. PLease take the time to view this 57 minute rundown of incomprehensible wrongful accusations of child sexual abuse in America and how it plays out case after case!! It will bring tears to your eyes and send chills down your spine as you consider who you also know whom this has happened to.
What will become of us? Will our lives ever return to normal or happiness or just taking photos of flowers in the garden after being stripped of our rights in the USA? Guilty until proven innocent! With so many innocent denied justice and thrown in prison? Is their hope for justice or reform? Help.