Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder)

What inner turmoil and lack of peace must possess the soul afflicted with this condition.  To be able to snap into another person at the push of a button.What are the triggers do you suppose?  How can one sort through the trail of destruction led by lies and manipulation posed on any one in their path at the time?  Who can stop the train before it derails causing more pain and trauma to additional innocent victims?  Who will step in and force the issue if they won't get help.  Who will bring the innocent, the wrongfully accused to justice if the sick one cannot bring herself to tell the truth?  Who will do the right thing with what they have been given?  Have you ever met a person with this diagnosis? If you have it sure explains alot of things about their bizarre patterns of behaviors.

Do the research, put it together of how this could have happen to you!  Wrongfully accused in the USA!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Oregon girl puts father in prison falsely accusing him of rape!

After 9 years and grown up at age 23 she decides to tell the truth. Good girl for that!
The alledged RAPE got a 15 year sentence. She lied about her Dad and the state RUNS with the sensational story. Now, they have no comment.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We Still Believe in Miracles!

Often in the journey of life there are certain things ONLY GOD can restore. This has always been one of those things; making right what someone meant for evil. Vindicating the innocent and wrongfully accused and making something glorious happen out of it that can touch the world. That continues to be our prayer.

Over time as we wait for God to reveal "Himself" to our perpetrator of injustice we have come to understand more and more how this could have come about.

First and foremost we have a lot of grace toward our girl who was truly screwed up at the young age of three by a trespasser of innocence by someone who STILL remains at large and unrepentant for the evil he has done. This injury is the sole reason a child can be so messed up in the first place to carry out the drama that put an innocent man in prison. But we know she had help. There were those instrumental in helping the story be set a blaze. We realize how powerful the dysfunction can run in family tree and be passed from generation to generation. There are people in this family that for many years have a pattern of habitual lying and manipulating people and hurting people with their words and own bitterness or to promote their own agenda. At the moment we have family members who have shared the deviate behaviors of their loved ones who helped prime the DHS workers and detectives with false information that made them "believe" a certain way about this story. So the STATE workers thinking it must be true, decided to "help fabricate" their own version of a story that a jury could believe for a sure conviction. And on and on a ridiculous lie by a very disturbed child can snowball with the help of some well meaning folks who happen to be DEAD wrong.

This is where GOD comes in. To be able to straighten the whole thing out, open the eyes of some folks who chose to stay in denial about the real truth. We believe this is what is happening. It's time to get honest and GOD is actually convicting hearts that had everything to do with this injustice. The truth runs deep and the light must be shown all the way back to the hidden things. God is shining the light on the family secrets that no one has been willing to talk about. Family secrets that have caused pure harm and then in turn these people pass it down and hurt those in their pathway. Its a sure cycle of evil and wrong doing unless someone somewhere stops it. Someone has to get off the merry go round and start living the truth for healing to do it's miracle for growth and deliverance. That is where we are today. It is all coming together. The real truth and then we shall see God do something great with all that has gone wrong. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless, you know who you are!
Custom art by REX

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Can't get Healing until we face the pains of our past!

How do we ever reconcile the damage we are doing to ourselves and others? How do we break the destructive cycle of lying, manipulation and leaving a trail of wounded in our wake? How do we know "we are the ones" who need to make amends? What are the signals that I am the one out of control?

Do I obsess over details, my looks, my beauty, on working out or buying new clothes?
Do I spend money out of control on things I should NOT be spending it on due to other priorities?
Do I run away from the truth? Do I run from "people" who represent the truth? What is the truth? Who in my life "enables" me to stay in denial of the truth?
What do my closest friends and family say about my behaviors?
Am I addicted to meaningless sex? Alcohol? Drugs? Toxic relationships? Can I even "keep" meaningful relationships?
Do I sabotage healthy relationships? How many bridges have I burned with those who know me best? Do I just "use" people until they can't take it any more or until I have been found out? Do I delete people the minute my "charms" no longer work on them anymore?
Am I responsible? Do I pay my bills? Do I have a job and am I reliable to be there on time?
Can I finish any task I start? Can I obey the rules? The law?
Do I put GOD first in my life, then my own family, or job before doing whatever it is I feel like?
Am I honest? Do I tell the truth? Do I do the right thing when nobody is looking? CAN I DO THE RIGHT thing no matter what the consequences may be? Am I the same person no matter who I am associated with? Or do I tell people whatever they want to hear whenever they want to hear it, anytime anyplace whatever sounds good for the moment? Do I thrive on being the "star"? Can I perform in any given scenario?

Can I ever acknowledge the dark secret injury of my youth that happened to make me act this way and do these things? Will I ever face the TRUTH about myself and my real past? Do I WANT to be healed and stop the vicious cycle?

Getting Honest about my past:

12-step recovery may be the only program to get me honest with myself and other's and especially GOD! How long will I keep trying to lie to GOD about the devastations my actions have caused others? Where else do I begin the road to recovery and embracing "honesty" as a means for healing and making amends? Can I begin to share the darkest secrets of my youth that molded me this way?

I too must live life in a way that pleases the Lord for HIS blessings to permeate my actions!
How do I do this and where do I begin?
Living The TRUTH

3 places listed to start a journey of health and healing and all via HONESTY.

Surrender and confession to God and share with another person what I have done is a start....

This post is dedicated to those who wrongfully accuse and are afraid to tell the truth after all the pain and suffering their tales have caused.