Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hope, Help and Healing for the broken hearts...

Just as the sea is faithful to keep coming back to shore...wave after wave it does its magic and after the tide pulls back there are treasures uncovered. I'm thinking of sea glass. Its is so soft and beautiful and translucent holding it up to the suns light but, at first it was just a piece of broken glass, very sharp and dangerous and able to cut deep in an instant. This is our proof that God can take ALL things and turn them for something good for those who belong to Christ Jesus and believe.

The next step is Forgiveness. Without it God cannot do the miracles in the other's lives! Turning over our excruciating pain and hurt from cruel betrayals and lies is not easy but necessary because we are not in charge, GOD IS! He has always had a higher plan than what we can see at the moment. Our purpose is to trust and obey and stay out of His way in the healing of someone else's wayward soul.....ours is forgiveness to ALL those who have caused us harm and to pray without ceasing. Those who have hurt us do cry out for their own FORGIVENESS so they can be set free from their own sin, so they can find grace and peace. YES! So be it... Some in our story are easier to forgive than others.....

Listen to Bob Carlisle sing FORGIVENESS:

How do we forgive evil doers with unrepentive hearts? Our struggle is huge but we know if we don't forgive them then our Heavenly Father cannot forgive us for our trespasses.... so we try...but in this process


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