Sad, but true, this blog is not the only descriptive and truthful rantings of the Wrongfully Accused in the USA! We are the few who are passionate about sharing this horrific injustice as a warning to other innocent folks of what can happen to you and wipe you out financially and steal your livelihood and freedom based those who are evil enough to lie and exposing the cracks in the "legal system" that no longer is in place to seek the truth. A SYSTEM driven by quotas and political fame at the price of shattered innocent lives or for seemingly: political correctness.
Here is a clip interview by the author of: A Rush to Injustice by Nader Bayoun:
Lopez: Who’s the bigger enemy in this case: DA Nifong or President Brodhead?
Baydoun: They are both guilty of mishandling the situation in their own way, but much of this travesty could have been avoided had Nifong handled this case properly. Nifong’s misconduct led to a tidal wave of extreme political correctness which caused Mr. Brodhead to make knee jerk reaction decisions out of fear for the image of the school rather than doing what is right.
Here is a clip interview by the author of: A Rush to Injustice by Nader Bayoun:
Lopez: Who’s the bigger enemy in this case: DA Nifong or President Brodhead?
Baydoun: They are both guilty of mishandling the situation in their own way, but much of this travesty could have been avoided had Nifong handled this case properly. Nifong’s misconduct led to a tidal wave of extreme political correctness which caused Mr. Brodhead to make knee jerk reaction decisions out of fear for the image of the school rather than doing what is right.
YEP! Sounds like our very own CPS agency in bed with the police and prosecutors too!! You bet.....before you know it you got a FRAME JOB to cover every ones serious mistakes and oversights into the REAL TRUTH!!