Part of our own forgiveness and redemption lies in forgiving those who have sinned against US! Suffering evil injustice and betrayal is nothing new under the sun. Jesus Christ was our example in dealing with such things himself! He was misunderstood and denied in His circle and sphere of influence. His hometown did not receive HIM! He was God come to us in the flesh! But people did not believe him or his disciples. They were threatened by His TRUTH and message. They wanted what they wanted instead and did not relent until HE was crucified before their eyes! This brought them temporary and false relief. They failed to recognize WHO they had in their midst. What we understand next is: there is NO rest for the wicked......none!
Sitting in prison for something you DID NOT do and knowing everyone involved knows it can bring hurt and dispair to the normal person. We have chosen to believe instead that with GOD all things are possible. God will work all things for good for those who are in Christ Jesus and trust their lives within HIS hands. He has a bigger plan for health and healing than what we can see at the moment. Jesus had to be put to death for something he did not deserve for there to be NEW LIFE. So if these drastic measures brought something great and wonderful for all of mankind than so can our inconvenience and injustice! It is by the "goodness of God" that men come to repentance with Godly sorrow for their sins. When that happens who knows what God will do next! We are hopeful for something great and miraculous to take place out of this horrible experience. HE knew before we did that we'd be hurled into this unwelcomed journey. Yet, we are still led and sustained by HIS peace in this ordeal. A peace that is not of this world. We hope you know this peace in your soul that we speak of.
We who sit wrongfully accused cling to The Promise of a Lifetime and rest assured that HE will never leave us or forsake us. Visit also our songlist we have for inspiration......