Jesus said "For Nothing is SECRET that will not be revealed, nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light!" Luke 8:17
What we know for sure is that besides the DHS worker; also our small town police department the FBI has surfaced it to be sorely scandalous and corrupt from the Chief of Police, his officers with illegal drug use, to his appointed detectives on our case and their friends and fellow officers who are being fired for disgraceful conduct of an officer. Our detectives repeatedly lied to witnesses, coerced them and planted manufactured evidence AND have had and continue to have inappropriate "relations" with the witnesses of our case! The young, brand new detective, about 8 months experience, busts in like a Bruce Willis/Rambo wannabe SWAT team style and begins to destroy innocent lives by his own lack of experience investigating with gang buster assumptions and then begins a massive cover up of his OWN "reputation saving." All for some news article in the small town newspaper to his credit? God sees everything and the TRUTH is about to bust out! Detectives never checking out the accuser's diagnosed personality disorders nor doing a polygraph... Stay tuned. All in God's timing, there is nothing new under the sun! All things, of course the jury knew nothing about.....
Most fitting for the foolish DHS worker and novice detective;
We don't live in a world of reality,
We live in a world of perceptions.
Gerald J Simmons
See also this other wrongfully accused story on msnbc it happens in America everyday:
In 1979 in the small town of Poplar, Montana, someone brutally beat and killed 17-year-old Kim Nees. In doing so, they also destroyed the life of Barry Beach.