Often in the journey of life there are certain things ONLY GOD can restore. This has always been one of those things; making right what someone meant for evil. Vindicating the innocent and wrongfully accused and making something glorious happen out of it that can touch the world. That continues to be our prayer.
Over time as we wait for God to reveal "Himself" to our perpetrator of injustice we have come to understand more and more how this could have come about.
First and foremost we have a lot of grace toward our girl who was truly screwed up at the young age of three by a trespasser of innocence by someone who STILL remains at large and unrepentant for the evil he has done. This injury is the sole reason a child can be so messed up in the first place to carry out the drama that put an innocent man in prison. But we know she had help. There were those instrumental in helping the story be set a blaze. We realize how powerful the dysfunction can run in family tree and be passed from generation to generation. There are people in this family that for many years have a pattern of habitual lying and manipulating people and hurting people with their words and own bitterness or to promote their own agenda. At the moment we have family members who have shared the deviate behaviors of their loved ones who helped prime the DHS workers and detectives with false information that made them "believe" a certain way about this story. So the STATE workers thinking it must be true, decided to "help fabricate" their own version of a story that a jury could believe for a sure conviction. And on and on a ridiculous lie by a very disturbed child can snowball with the help of some well meaning folks who happen to be DEAD wrong.
This is where GOD comes in. To be able to straighten the whole thing out, open the eyes of some folks who chose to stay in denial about the real truth. We believe this is what is happening. It's time to get honest and GOD is actually convicting hearts that had everything to do with this injustice. The truth runs deep and the light must be shown all the way back to the hidden things. God is shining the light on the family secrets that no one has been willing to talk about. Family secrets that have caused pure harm and then in turn these people pass it down and hurt those in their pathway. Its a sure cycle of evil and wrong doing unless someone somewhere stops it. Someone has to get off the merry go round and start living the truth for healing to do it's miracle for growth and deliverance. That is where we are today. It is all coming together. The real truth and then we shall see God do something great with all that has gone wrong. Thank you for your continued prayers and support. God bless, you know who you are!
Custom art by REX