Sunday, April 22, 2007
We will be held accountable for every idle word and every thing done in secret will be brought into the light. The hole which you dig for another you will fall into yourself! .....Promises from the Most HIGH!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
The headlines read: "TROUBLED TEEN Betrays FAMILY to join 'Girls Run Wild'
That's right, today the story is about a naive teenage girl at age 14 screaming at her mother "You are so over protective! You won't let me do anything!!" That scenario followed the next day with a runaway teen. She runs to go live with her friends who get to drink, smoke and party as they please without parental supervision. The child is picked up by the police and alledges a mile long list of alledged sexual abuse by the "step dad" so she doesn't have to go back home to live! It was too strict! That's the ticket! CPS and the new inexperienced police investigator bites the bait. Hook, line and sinker! The child is thrilled to be placed at the home of her very best friend who's Mama needs some extra money and quickly tests to qualify for the CPS $$$ as foster parent. With a farce of a story, the step dad goes to jail (GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT) FACT: while the child lies to every therapist, case worker and police officer AND HER FRIENDS!! But cool.... She gets her own cell phone and spending cash to buy cigarettes, pot, cocaine and oxycontin etc. In just 15 months, the child becomes sexually promiscuous, posing like porn stars on the internet, consistantly fails in school and then lands in drug rehab with also a new razor habit because she is so afraid to tell the truth! Her secrets and lies is all consuming her now.This is what she left her quiet, clean 2 parent home for that was drug and alcohol free. A loving home with rules and expectations. A home with firm boundaries. She loved her Mom and step Dad! But....BOOM! Innocent lives are shattered from a girl going wild......out of control with a long history of manipulative behavior and lying. Thousands ++++ of $$$ spent on attorneys. Why? Because she is a troubled child with previous trauma at a very young age. This is what can happen later in an abused child's life! It actually happens like clock work when they hit puberty. And to watch hundreds of thousands of $$ our tax dollars blown in the criminal system and CPS to enable such insanity is alarming. They admit in juvenile court, they did no investigation. Perhaps coached by a sister with a pattern of destroying lives in rageful anger in her path, sabatoging and using revenge to burn bridges with all her relationships. They swooned over the poor child and her story. Ignored the mother's pleading and insight with a paper trail. They show her only disdain and tell her she must believe the daughters story or no contact. They furnished the liar with an entourage of attention and continue to misdiagnose the real life long issue and the story telling is all B.S. !!!! CPS only intends to put the accused in jail for life to show the mom their coercive power for her not believing the child. Today in America, this could happen to you!
Our song dedicated TO OUR FAITH UPHOLDING US IN THIS NIGHTMARE:Blessed be the Name
Our song dedicated TO OUR FAITH UPHOLDING US IN THIS NIGHTMARE:Blessed be the Name
Friday, April 13, 2007
Our case is paralleling with injustices of the Duke LaCrosse Case
Here is the facts about our injustice. This case was wrongfully tried in a farce of a trial only as a publicity stunt for the ostentatious grandstanding from a small town prosecutor who chose to wrongfully proceed with a case, that had no evidence, just to further her career. She abused her power with the sensationalism of the subject to pivot her career from. She clearly manipulated and prejudiced the jury by blocking a lengthy list of exculpatory witness testimony and evidence that would show cause and motive to the jury for the lies and conspired scandal by the epitome of uncredible witnesses!
There was no DNA. No witnesses to the act. No criminal history. No medical evidence. Each accuser and only conspiring witness(total 3) were completely unstable and lacking total credibility and collaborated an openly dark pact(related sisters) in their perjuring scandal provoked by retaliation. Multiple diagnosed personality disorders and current psychiatric evaluations and actions were withheld confirming psychotic and delusional behaviors by the accusers that have been on going for years prior to the onset of this event. The fact that the main instigator has a pattern of terrorizing and blackmailing and viciously destroying lives with her psychotic raging fits was not made known to the jury. She has traumatized her own children who are in terror of her relentless rantings. An arms length of witnesses and documentation to these facts was withheld or silenced in advance. Each of the 4 different statements by the accusers were totally contradicting of the others. Merely snowballing over time. Stating she may have been "dreaming" she wasn't sure...etc!! Yet, the eager prosecutor chose to gain only notoriety for the high profile case destroying innocent lives in the process. Absolutely, no polygraph was taken by the young unstable accusers or by the request of the wrongfully accused. NONE! Manufactured evidence by the police to manipulate the jury to execute an obstruction of justice to cover their own butts surfaced last minute to create the illusion to back their case after MOM sends a letter to juvenile court that really angers the CPS institution to retaliate yet in reality the evidence ties no link to the wrongfully accused... Discovery that was meant to only prejudice the jury was withheld from the defense deliberately until the day of trial 1 hour prior to presentation! So many blunders and to the shock of all ready to testify who were gagged and slammed as the prosecutor who shrieked abrasively to each witness for the defense, rolling her eyes, throwing up her hands, throwing herself down on the table or facing the jury and rolling her eyes at every word the witnesses tried to speak. On and on and there we have it an innocent man sent down the river for 25 years and a simple conservative, traditional family blown to bits by a kangaroo court and sham trial for the newspaper article!! Justice was not served. This is an incredible obstruction of justice. A Modern day WITCHHUNT! The now, obviously "criminally" insane accuser and cohort is left wide open and empowered to do this again and again.
The ATTORNEY GENERAL should fire the prosecutor (just like they did Nifong)and all those involved in this scandal. A demand for a polygraph by each person giving testimony/accusers should be ordered. All documentation of psychiatric evaluations before and after this event should be considered admissible by each witness accusing. A liar's body language specialist should view the accuser's initial taped testimony taken by police. Witness testimony as to the behaviors and actions of the accusers should be heard. CPS who openly confessed in court that NO investigation had been done on their part should be sued! The hot rod detective who declared this merely a "coin toss" 9 months after seizing 5 computers by swat team style with gunpoint to the head, busting down the door entry, should be put to a polygraph! So be it for today.....Hell in the lives of the wrongfully accused in the USA! There is always a reason when the people who know the accusers best KNOW that this is nothing but a sham especially if it's MOM herself! $100,000 is what several attorneys said they would need to take the case. That is no where near what we had to pay for this trouble.
There was no DNA. No witnesses to the act. No criminal history. No medical evidence. Each accuser and only conspiring witness(total 3) were completely unstable and lacking total credibility and collaborated an openly dark pact(related sisters) in their perjuring scandal provoked by retaliation. Multiple diagnosed personality disorders and current psychiatric evaluations and actions were withheld confirming psychotic and delusional behaviors by the accusers that have been on going for years prior to the onset of this event. The fact that the main instigator has a pattern of terrorizing and blackmailing and viciously destroying lives with her psychotic raging fits was not made known to the jury. She has traumatized her own children who are in terror of her relentless rantings. An arms length of witnesses and documentation to these facts was withheld or silenced in advance. Each of the 4 different statements by the accusers were totally contradicting of the others. Merely snowballing over time. Stating she may have been "dreaming" she wasn't sure...etc!! Yet, the eager prosecutor chose to gain only notoriety for the high profile case destroying innocent lives in the process. Absolutely, no polygraph was taken by the young unstable accusers or by the request of the wrongfully accused. NONE! Manufactured evidence by the police to manipulate the jury to execute an obstruction of justice to cover their own butts surfaced last minute to create the illusion to back their case after MOM sends a letter to juvenile court that really angers the CPS institution to retaliate yet in reality the evidence ties no link to the wrongfully accused... Discovery that was meant to only prejudice the jury was withheld from the defense deliberately until the day of trial 1 hour prior to presentation! So many blunders and to the shock of all ready to testify who were gagged and slammed as the prosecutor who shrieked abrasively to each witness for the defense, rolling her eyes, throwing up her hands, throwing herself down on the table or facing the jury and rolling her eyes at every word the witnesses tried to speak. On and on and there we have it an innocent man sent down the river for 25 years and a simple conservative, traditional family blown to bits by a kangaroo court and sham trial for the newspaper article!! Justice was not served. This is an incredible obstruction of justice. A Modern day WITCHHUNT! The now, obviously "criminally" insane accuser and cohort is left wide open and empowered to do this again and again.
The ATTORNEY GENERAL should fire the prosecutor (just like they did Nifong)and all those involved in this scandal. A demand for a polygraph by each person giving testimony/accusers should be ordered. All documentation of psychiatric evaluations before and after this event should be considered admissible by each witness accusing. A liar's body language specialist should view the accuser's initial taped testimony taken by police. Witness testimony as to the behaviors and actions of the accusers should be heard. CPS who openly confessed in court that NO investigation had been done on their part should be sued! The hot rod detective who declared this merely a "coin toss" 9 months after seizing 5 computers by swat team style with gunpoint to the head, busting down the door entry, should be put to a polygraph! So be it for today.....Hell in the lives of the wrongfully accused in the USA! There is always a reason when the people who know the accusers best KNOW that this is nothing but a sham especially if it's MOM herself! $100,000 is what several attorneys said they would need to take the case. That is no where near what we had to pay for this trouble.
Our founding forefathers would be horrified at the injustice and lack of integrity rising from some of today's officer's of the state system. Shame!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
OOPS, You mean the DA made a mistake????
Now this is how our story would have played out had all the truth about our unstable accuser been revealed to the jury or to reputable authorities. What we will see is our girl hard at it again the next time she gets disgruntled with her surroundings!
All sexual assault, kidnapping and other charges have been dropped against the three Duke University lacrosse players indicted for raping an exotic dancer, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced Wednesday.
"The result of our review and investigation shows clearly that there is insufficient evidence to proceed on any of the charges," Cooper said. "Today we are filing notices of dismissal for all charges."
He added: "We believe these cases were a result of a tragic rush to accuse and failure to verify serious allegations. Based on these significant inconsistencies of evidence and the various accounts given by the accusing witness, we believe these three individuals are innocent of these charges."
Cooper said not only are the players innocent of the charges they faced, but there is "no credible evidence that an attack occurred at that house on that night."
"All evidence contradicts her story. She contradicts herself," he said of the accuser, Crystal Gail Mangum.
read on...this sounds just like our baby!,2933,265187,00.html
All sexual assault, kidnapping and other charges have been dropped against the three Duke University lacrosse players indicted for raping an exotic dancer, North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper announced Wednesday.
"The result of our review and investigation shows clearly that there is insufficient evidence to proceed on any of the charges," Cooper said. "Today we are filing notices of dismissal for all charges."
He added: "We believe these cases were a result of a tragic rush to accuse and failure to verify serious allegations. Based on these significant inconsistencies of evidence and the various accounts given by the accusing witness, we believe these three individuals are innocent of these charges."
Cooper said not only are the players innocent of the charges they faced, but there is "no credible evidence that an attack occurred at that house on that night."
"All evidence contradicts her story. She contradicts herself," he said of the accuser, Crystal Gail Mangum.
read on...this sounds just like our baby!,2933,265187,00.html
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
AAAHHH so we must endure stalking and taunting by the lofty perjurer's themselves strutting about with such confidence!
TODAY! This is when we realize the lack of character from those who have secretly plotted and schemed to cause the innocent to suffer! Gloating, scoffing, mocking and ridiculing is not from above. God's Spirit reflects humility and love for the truth to prevail. Always in gentleness and kindness reflecting the true Spirit of love from above. Do not be so sure of your footing lest ye fall....this has only just begun!
Funny, how convenient to have dear old dad show up on the scene 13 years later and the day after the wrongfullyaccused is sentenced. Strange? Funny ? Not really because CPS has incomprehensibly arranged to reunite the child with the real perpetrator father who abused the child into her current state of mental illness at age 3 years old! As if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. He has had no contact with her for 13 years because of this fact (documented in the cps system at age 5) but now since they put the wrong man in prison for 25 years they feel it's time to have someone, anyone take the financial burden off the state for her care. Really we understand. They hand her over on a silver platter! Hasn't her fraudulent little story cost them a million dollars already?? After all, she is a little difficult to manage since she landed in drug rehab under their watch. Oh she's very deceptive, lies and manipulates they say! Surprise?? Duh! All Moms efforts and agony in protecting this child from further harm for 14 years and providing a safe and structured home goes out the window in one phone call! CPS ruins the child and her family by failing to do the right thing by her, failing to properly diagnose and treat her Reactive Attachment Disorder issues (which explains why we are here today.) It's sick and it's evil of the darkest form of what they have done. Not sure how we swallow this pill.
We are rendered powerless but God see's everything! Our goal is for ONLY righteousness and truth to prevail. So be it until we stand before God Almighty about every bit of this!! See ya there! Trust me, we shall ALL give an account for the things we have said and done in secret and also for those things done in front of everyone!
Funny, how convenient to have dear old dad show up on the scene 13 years later and the day after the wrongfullyaccused is sentenced. Strange? Funny ? Not really because CPS has incomprehensibly arranged to reunite the child with the real perpetrator father who abused the child into her current state of mental illness at age 3 years old! As if the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. He has had no contact with her for 13 years because of this fact (documented in the cps system at age 5) but now since they put the wrong man in prison for 25 years they feel it's time to have someone, anyone take the financial burden off the state for her care. Really we understand. They hand her over on a silver platter! Hasn't her fraudulent little story cost them a million dollars already?? After all, she is a little difficult to manage since she landed in drug rehab under their watch. Oh she's very deceptive, lies and manipulates they say! Surprise?? Duh! All Moms efforts and agony in protecting this child from further harm for 14 years and providing a safe and structured home goes out the window in one phone call! CPS ruins the child and her family by failing to do the right thing by her, failing to properly diagnose and treat her Reactive Attachment Disorder issues (which explains why we are here today.) It's sick and it's evil of the darkest form of what they have done. Not sure how we swallow this pill.
We are rendered powerless but God see's everything! Our goal is for ONLY righteousness and truth to prevail. So be it until we stand before God Almighty about every bit of this!! See ya there! Trust me, we shall ALL give an account for the things we have said and done in secret and also for those things done in front of everyone!
Friday, April 6, 2007
Mom speaks out: "A Betrayal worse than DEATH!"
CATCH 22!! Mom is damned if she does and damned if she don't ! I have devoted my life to my daughter's healing and recovery. Counselor's told me when she was age 6 that they have done all that they could but watch out when she hits puberty! "How will I know I asked?" They said" You'll KNOW!!!!"
And here we are today! Mental illness erupting like clockwork and a story of setting BOUNDARIES gone AWRY!
Back in the early ninety's when I conceived this daughter I was caring for my other dying daughter of cancer. She was diagnosed at age three. My dear girl was 2 when her sister died. This experience caused me to be in the hospital with the sick one for 3 weeks at a time several times per year when my little doll was born. We were so excited that maybe God allowed us to conceive to perhaps be a lifesaver for the dying sister as a possible bone marrow transplant! My oldest daughter was a teen when all this sadness and sorrow erupted with death and dying and she was severly traumatized as well. She ran away too at age 14 and got pregnant at 16 to escape the doom and gloom at our house. The Dad, a TV evangelist, and I led a very rigid lifestyle. He was constantly berating me about obedience to him as the head of the home though he was often in money troubles constantly with bill payers calling for $$$ he owed everyone. He often told me that if I didn't obey or agree with him on everything that I would kill our daughter from being in "strife!" I was too busy with this dying child to know the details of the finances or his craziness. He was a narcisstic one with denial of reality at the forefront. I never got to prepare my baby for heaven when she died or say "Good Bye" or tell her about God's angels taking her to Jesus house as that would have been a "bad confession!" When she passed, it sent many of us in a whirlwind of reality and questioning our current "TOXIC" faith. My baby's death actually set us free from a ridiculous faith unlike the simple belief that as we surrender our care and will over to HIM, He will make all things right no matter what or how it turns out..... and that I am grateful to be forgiven by a Savior that paid the price for me to see heaven someday!
After years of sobriety, the despair of her death led both her dad and I into a time of relapse and drinking alcohol for a time again. With myself it was just over a year I believe. We separated to divorce, after the tragedy, and then after visitations and hysterical outburst my dear daughter let me know that her "Daddy" had abused her sexually at age 3! This was during a time when he had lost his license a year from drinking with a DUI. Maybe he was drunk when he did it. I don't know, nevertheless it was done. Horrified and convinced and affirmed by witnesses, within 3 days of this realization I had packed up my stuff and fled the state to protect my child from further injury from her narcisstic, grandiose father. He was so controlling and powerful I feared that he would con his way to abuse her more if I didn't leave to protect her. There were clear actions and my gut feeling something evil was happening. ))))Not like today's story at age 14! Actions speak louder than words! A girl with accusations like now could not have acted so cutesy and adorable during the time this was to be happening under my roof when I was HOME!! A MOM KNOWS even if her intuition is confirmed after the fact! Rather it's the rat I smell of lying and craftiness, secrets and manipulation from the powers enabling the story. If it were true all "involved" would not have been "in hiding" all this time. It took me over a year to even know what she had said about us! Meanwhile she was having the time of her life in FOSTER care which was at her best friends house who lived in the house behind our home! Freedom to do all the naughty things I wouldn't permit at my house!(((( Herein lies the RUB!!!!!!
I arrived at another state and began the journey of restoration. My 3 year old had psychotic outbursts that were night terrors and fits that would last for 3-4 hours at a time. After many months of abuse I took from this hysterical child, (trying to stab me with a knife and putting the car into the river, screaming all night etc) I sought help from the "system". She was so out of control and traumatized at age 4 that I could not help her! I too was suffering considerably after losing a child at 7 years old to cancer and then a divorce and then realizing that her "preacher" daddy was molesting his own daughter..... eh.
The trauma was so signifigant that my girl had 3-4+ diagnosis' of personality disorders. CPS really 'helped me' then and they got a restraining order from her Dad ever coming close. Eventually I was able to get her back after my own journey of healing and restoration. Not until I was ready...maybe 15 months later she was in a wonderful foster care. From then on it was a journey protecting this girl from anything that would throw her into a traumatized fit from post traumatic stress disorder! She would act up at school and they would call me weekly to come get her as she was unconsoleable! She had multiple personalities. She was unable to concentrate or focus on passing grades but somehow they would pass her. I exhausted myself in protecting her from any outside or unhealthy influence that would set her off into a trance of hysteria. For her entire lifetime I never had TV cable in case she would see something that would upset her post traumatic stress disorder. We only had or rented vidoes. This also, made it almost impossible to date others or move on with MY life. I managed only to date a few different men but kept my daughter away from most of it all. A single parent, I worked at the local Health Food Store for 7 years to support ourselves part time during school hours. I could not afford much, except with 'no health benefits', to keep us healthy I used alternative health and vitamins. My child grew up in an alcohol and drug free home always! TRUE: I never had the money to come back home to press charges on the real abusing father either so he literally has lived free from contact from her or consequences.
Until I met my love of my lifetime..... I never thought I would have a man in my life til she was grown and gone because of the depth of her injury. She was 10 1/2 when we married.
Until I met my love of my lifetime..... I never thought I would have a man in my life til she was grown and gone because of the depth of her injury. She was 10 1/2 when we married.
She adored my husband and seemed happier than she ever was for years up til she left. She was thrilled for him to be a Dad to her since she hadn't had one til now and she called him "Dad" up til she ran away. She was so happy even through the usual disorders or outbursts when phone priviledges were enforced etc. Her rantings were farther and farther apart until she hit her teens. 6th grade...She was caught smoking and stealing with kids I didn't approve of who were also dabbling in witchcraft! She acted out more sexual behavior that caused us both discomfort. As if she was persuing her step dad to be a "boyfriend"...she was the one I had to watch her behaviors. ALL THE TIME! She didn't know where to draw the line. She acted unusually inappropriate to all adult men in her life before my husband came along! She was strange, seductive or flirtatious and couldn't be trusted to behave properly. I always had to keep an eye on her behavior and sensor things she was exposed to. We caught her in the middle of the night on the computer etc or standing over our bed. Sleep walking. Nights were her times to re-live her trauma in dreams and now confused fantasies. She took alot of energy to monitor. She was always pushing the envelope with us and teachers. The straw that broke the camels back was how my husband would email all the teachers at school catching her in the oddest lies etc. about homework and flunking. She in the end began to turn on him for helping me. She couldn't get away with as much. She was a boundary BUSTER since age 3! (Inner anger toward me for letting her go with her real dad back then.) She couldn't manipulate us or turn us against each other since we were a constant team monitoring her activiites. I rarely ever left them alone together in 4 years yet she comes up with the farce of a story that her accusations happened daily almost. This is literally impossible. She later had lied to every therapist , detective and case worker about her claims. All to provide an exit to our overly structured home. Kinda like at age 14, your home probably doesn't allow your child tatoos! Ours didn't either or piercings! But she managed to get those in her first few months in her new foster care!
My daughter has acted now, as if I'm just a BIO 'mother who gave birth' words suggestive of those in her all new circle of codependant, enablers who have placated a psychotic child's rantings. All have fallen into a facade of drama of a sociopathic child that has manipulated all those who barely know her including the entire state system. They have tried to make me look as if I'm a terrible mother not believing my child. If it was true...I would know it...I know my daughters! Believe me I know a real molested child when I see it! If I hadn't seen her interview recently she did for the police, taken only 2 weeks after running away from my home I wouldn't be so 100% positive she is lying about all of it. It was so stupid and they believed her! She to date, never once, told me once, of an abuse nor acted as though she had a new trauma(she was too happy and trauma in her eyes or expressions) and believe me with an oppositional-defiant disorder she would NOT have tolerated anything!!!! ...Not 1 thing without blowing a fuse over it! She told them she told me everytime it happened! She has a pattern of defying authority! This abuse is just not true. She wouldn't have done a thing for this new man on the scene she had no allegience to. They were taking it easy getting to know each other. She was so excited about him and he was patient and good to her out of his devotion to me yet letting me do all discipline decisions. She is a liar and a lunatic and I will go to my grave insisting she is a liar on this accusation toward myself and my innocent husband who is a good man who would never do such a thing... Sentenced to life in prison???? We were framed by a prosecutor and system that can't afford to be wrong I suppose....they will give an account before God what they have all done in secret.
My psychotic child is enabled to harm again and again if she is not held accountable for this story she has told costing the state and our lives everything! It is merely a drama to her and her new friends. What kind of Mother would I be to relent when I know that I know what she has done?? I am not twisted or in denial...I know! God only knows how long a journey I have ahead until the real truth is revealed. The betrayal I feel from my child and her cohorts is worse than a death. There will be no closure until the truth becomes clear to all! I have worked too hard all these years for her healing to cave in now! God help! She never wanted to return back home. With or without my husband my home, it was too strict. This is only a manipulative game to her now....with those fanning her flame as if all her claims were true... What will she do now when there is only guilt and shame filling her soul for lying and destroying her devoted Mom and family? When the blush wears off the rose, what I ask will she and her accomplice's do with the pain that WILL surface? Do they win because I have no more MONEY to spend on this????
This site is an awareness for parents of children with:
Reactive Attachment Disorder!
My daughter has about every symptom and every cause! Yet the CPS continue to enable, placate, misdiagnose and endorse the victim who is not a victim now! She is a skilled master at manipulating whoever is there at the moment. Bottom line:
She needs Jesus. That is a beginning I can only hope for.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Chameleon cons all sending an innocent man to PRISON!
Never underestimate the power of mental illness. Never underestimate the powers of a judicial system that is hellbent on being correct. Never underestimate the control of detectives to beef up or manipulate "evidence" to cover their own errors in an investigation. Never trust child protective services to be doing what is best for the child. They can be home wreckers and are enabling very disturbed children to be misdiagnosed and continue in their sickness and seem more concerned with the money it costs involved in financing the problem child. In this case, they are trying to re-unite the child with the parent who sexually abused the child at age 3! Why sure, they need someone to step in and take the financial burden off the state! All this can snowball into a wrongful accused going to prison just to have the naive public to swallow the pill that justice has been served! As long as they have a head served up on the platter they are satisfied even if it's the WRONG GUY!
This case was stacked up against the accused before trial began. The jury was blocked from realizing motive and doubt about the young accuser, a life long liar and manipulator. Not her diagnosed mental illness and personality disorders since age 5, nor the nice family and friends who were witnesses to her behaviors all her life were not allowed to speak their story on behalf of the defense. Do you think if any of her 4 different versions of her allegations were believable or her actions and behaviors at home confirmed a whole new abuse that maybe her own mother and all the witnesses would have been standing behind her instead of the wrongfully accused? The people who had known her all her life didn't buy it for a second...her own mom was well aware of how a molested child acts and it just didn't happen this time folks! The allegations are not even remotely true and that is what has pissed off the powers "at be" about the mom who refuses to believe her child! The child was using her story to manipulate herself out of the structured home with boundaries! Then it became: push comes to shove...."HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE YOUR HUSBAND OVER YOUR own DAUGHTER???!?" the shrills and rantings of the prosecutor screams are heard into the next town. Simple, Mom makes a stand for the truth. She was there and this just did not happen. To do anything else is to enable a sick childs dysfunction and cause an innocent and a good man to suffer injustice!
Our darling is a chameleon, able to be anything she needs to be, for whoever it is at the moment. She can turn any color or mood in a second. An adorable aspiring young actress.
Problem is due to the depth of her real sexual abuse at such an early age along with a series of other losses, and attachment disorder she is able to tell such crazy lies with NO REMORSE! The the pain and destruction of who her lies have hurt and the horrendous pain she has caused her devoted family and that an innocent man whom she loved X 4 years is going to prison, are just not a factor in her brain. She has a cool new bunch eating out of her hand now and providing attention she never got before. They barely know her but, Cool! She's like a DIVA now! And she lies to all of them too! They even know it!
Here is what the CPS, detectives and prosecution was hiding from the jury:
Not only did the wrongfully accused senior citizen have no priors or history or witnesses confirming any other such activity. No alcohol or drug abuse was a factor either. A clean safe and sheltered home with rules, YES! Child predators have their homes and computers jam packed with videos, porn and magazines. Not so here. But after 6 months finding nothing on the computer, seized by gunpoint swat team style the A-Team had of 4 or 5 personal computers. They find "something interesting" entered only 1 hour after a juvenile court hearing that Mom refuses to believe the allegations are true and won't leave her husband. CPS had no evidence so they had to get with it. (200 porn pictures in question?) Do you have porn on your computer?? Do you know how it gets there? Of course your children themselves will be very interested in that without your knowledge especially if they are mentally ill from a prior sexual abuse.
Our little miss adorable, wide eyed accuser is alot like the popular song, "Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart, you fell for it and I'm not that innocent!" She currently has all these diagnosis's active since age 5: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Disassociative Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Attachment Disorder. She is Psychotic and Delusional and has the mentality of an 8 year old and has been unable to perform in school, constantly failing since kindergarten. She habitually lies about nothing and when she doesn't need to. She has weird sexual tendencies. All this BEFORE meeting the accused. The minute she was able to leave her home from this story at age 14 which she claims was too over protective, she gets on MYSPACE and starts using horrible language in every breath, she takes self porn-like pictures with her and her friends. She becomes sexually active, losing her virginity to some loser and becomes addicted to alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and oxycontin or who knows what else in a few months in foster care. This is what she was aspiring to do. Her dream was to live with her older sister who at 34 allows her underage children to consume alcohol and drugs and allows children to "party" at her house which was not endorsed by Momma of accuser! Instead she got to live with her best friend who's momma also like to party with the older sister. Also one daughter plays a part in the story thought to perjure herself out o
f fear from her rageful mom or she too just had the dream that they all 3 could live together to party on with cocaine as their professed hero's! Of course the jury never saw their MYSPACE endorsing all these things or were made aware of their lack of credibility! The judge made sure of that in advance!
Yep, an innocent man is tried in a court that stonewalled these truths from surfacing. Why? Why does the state pursue some disturbed child's story without imposing a polygraph? Why doesn't everyone who testified have to do one just for fun? All the witnesses involved in trial should be forced to a polygraph now. WHY NOT?
What will our pretty little chameleon be up to next? She's lying about her own sobriety date now as she was put in drug rehab recently...unknown to the jury! She has a new phase of energy in manipulating the system in her world. Will she ever be held accountable for what she has done to her loving mom and step dad? What will her consequences be? How will she be helped for a real healing from her personality disorders and actions? Can God make something good come from this mess?
Shockingly true ...every bit of this is now true in the USA! Sad, but it takes $100,000 for a new attorney to appeal for a real trial. Who has that kind of money? Is this how they WIN to look good? It would be nice if they'd spin their wheels on getting real they ever do that? Get real criminals? How many are wrongfully accused also and have results sending the innocent to prison?
Certainly, there has to be a pony hiding somewhere in this pile of S#$%T!
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