Never underestimate the power of mental illness. Never underestimate the powers of a judicial system that is hellbent on being correct. Never underestimate the control of detectives to beef up or manipulate "evidence" to cover their own errors in an investigation. Never trust child protective services to be doing what is best for the child. They can be home wreckers and are enabling very disturbed children to be misdiagnosed and continue in their sickness and seem more concerned with the money it costs involved in financing the problem child. In this case, they are trying to re-unite the child with the parent who sexually abused the child at age 3! Why sure, they need someone to step in and take the financial burden off the state! All this can snowball into a wrongful accused going to prison just to have the naive public to swallow the pill that justice has been served! As long as they have a head served up on the platter they are satisfied even if it's the WRONG GUY!
This case was stacked up against the accused before trial began. The jury was blocked from realizing motive and doubt about the young accuser, a life long liar and manipulator. Not her diagnosed mental illness and personality disorders since age 5, nor the nice family and friends who were witnesses to her behaviors all her life were not allowed to speak their story on behalf of the defense. Do you think if any of her 4 different versions of her allegations were believable or her actions and behaviors at home confirmed a whole new abuse that maybe her own mother and all the witnesses would have been standing behind her instead of the wrongfully accused? The people who had known her all her life didn't buy it for a second...her own mom was well aware of how a molested child acts and it just didn't happen this time folks! The allegations are not even remotely true and that is what has pissed off the powers "at be" about the mom who refuses to believe her child! The child was using her story to manipulate herself out of the structured home with boundaries! Then it became: push comes to shove...."HOW CAN YOU CHOOSE YOUR HUSBAND OVER YOUR own DAUGHTER???!?" the shrills and rantings of the prosecutor screams are heard into the next town. Simple, Mom makes a stand for the truth. She was there and this just did not happen. To do anything else is to enable a sick childs dysfunction and cause an innocent and a good man to suffer injustice!
Our darling is a chameleon, able to be anything she needs to be, for whoever it is at the moment. She can turn any color or mood in a second. An adorable aspiring young actress.
Problem is due to the depth of her real sexual abuse at such an early age along with a series of other losses, and attachment disorder she is able to tell such crazy lies with NO REMORSE! The the pain and destruction of who her lies have hurt and the horrendous pain she has caused her devoted family and that an innocent man whom she loved X 4 years is going to prison, are just not a factor in her brain. She has a cool new bunch eating out of her hand now and providing attention she never got before. They barely know her but, Cool! She's like a DIVA now! And she lies to all of them too! They even know it!
Here is what the CPS, detectives and prosecution was hiding from the jury:
Not only did the wrongfully accused senior citizen have no priors or history or witnesses confirming any other such activity. No alcohol or drug abuse was a factor either. A clean safe and sheltered home with rules, YES! Child predators have their homes and computers jam packed with videos, porn and magazines. Not so here. But after 6 months finding nothing on the computer, seized by gunpoint swat team style the A-Team had of 4 or 5 personal computers. They find "something interesting" entered only 1 hour after a juvenile court hearing that Mom refuses to believe the allegations are true and won't leave her husband. CPS had no evidence so they had to get with it. (200 porn pictures in question?) Do you have porn on your computer?? Do you know how it gets there? Of course your children themselves will be very interested in that without your knowledge especially if they are mentally ill from a prior sexual abuse.
Our little miss adorable, wide eyed accuser is alot like the popular song, "Oops, I did it again, I played with your heart, you fell for it and I'm not that innocent!" She currently has all these diagnosis's active since age 5: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Disassociative Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Attachment Disorder. She is Psychotic and Delusional and has the mentality of an 8 year old and has been unable to perform in school, constantly failing since kindergarten. She habitually lies about nothing and when she doesn't need to. She has weird sexual tendencies. All this BEFORE meeting the accused. The minute she was able to leave her home from this story at age 14 which she claims was too over protective, she gets on MYSPACE and starts using horrible language in every breath, she takes self porn-like pictures with her and her friends. She becomes sexually active, losing her virginity to some loser and becomes addicted to alcohol, cocaine, marijuana and oxycontin or who knows what else in a few months in foster care. This is what she was aspiring to do. Her dream was to live with her older sister who at 34 allows her underage children to consume alcohol and drugs and allows children to "party" at her house which was not endorsed by Momma of accuser! Instead she got to live with her best friend who's momma also like to party with the older sister. Also one daughter plays a part in the story thought to perjure herself out o
f fear from her rageful mom or she too just had the dream that they all 3 could live together to party on with cocaine as their professed hero's! Of course the jury never saw their MYSPACE endorsing all these things or were made aware of their lack of credibility! The judge made sure of that in advance!
Yep, an innocent man is tried in a court that stonewalled these truths from surfacing. Why? Why does the state pursue some disturbed child's story without imposing a polygraph? Why doesn't everyone who testified have to do one just for fun? All the witnesses involved in trial should be forced to a polygraph now. WHY NOT?
What will our pretty little chameleon be up to next? She's lying about her own sobriety date now as she was put in drug rehab recently...unknown to the jury! She has a new phase of energy in manipulating the system in her world. Will she ever be held accountable for what she has done to her loving mom and step dad? What will her consequences be? How will she be helped for a real healing from her personality disorders and actions? Can God make something good come from this mess?
Shockingly true ...every bit of this is now true in the USA! Sad, but it takes $100,000 for a new attorney to appeal for a real trial. Who has that kind of money? Is this how they WIN to look good? It would be nice if they'd spin their wheels on getting real they ever do that? Get real criminals? How many are wrongfully accused also and have results sending the innocent to prison?
Certainly, there has to be a pony hiding somewhere in this pile of S#$%T!
1 comment:
After all this time the girl with AXIS II Histrionic Personality disorder continues to manipulate the system. Age 19, Free housing, everything handed to her to support her and new baby while she plays and goes to the gym and of course, to party. She has a weird relationship with the detective on this case to this day. He comes over to see her or takes her "out" hooks her up with housing resources. The other witness was having an affair with the detective all during this trial. You think it's right that the jury never knew of these inappropriate relationships at that time? These cops lied to the girls all along to get them to testify. Now they are manipulated to get one to turn on the other like an evil home wrecking force. What will they try next?
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