This story is an insult to REAL victims of child sexual abuse. An entire system playing on the sensationalism of the subject. Touche'! Certainly you can understand how in some cases it is cheaper to FRAME an innocent soul to prison for life rather than face the error of enabling a disturbed child's "million dollar" lie! Imagine the lawsuit upon that state for a series of blunders! Put yourself into the small town judges shoes to retire with a newspaper story about letting an alleged child molester free with more trumped up counts than most real predators have in America...really how would that read? No wonder the case was STONEWALLED to protect CPS, and/or the foolish detective! Do they want to stand there with egg on their face punked by a manipulative teen with multiple personality disorders diagnosed and in full bloom since age 5? I think not! Or how about Ms. Shirley Butski prosecutor who must have the feather in her cap, raging unprofessionally her venom, manipulating the jury with a unilateral rigged courtroom drama as if she was actually a victim of sexual abuse herself! So was she? It would make more sense since the accuser herself had no behaviors of a new trauma! It really is a game to those whose reputations are at risk. A death to those who are falsely accused! So surely, they slam the defense side, silencing the truth and due process which was doomed to succeed by the judge before trial begins. So it is in America today, the values of state paid officials more interested in covering each others mistakes and more willing to sacrifice an innocent life to cover their own butts than to allow justice and truth to prevail. It is a horror much like a Frank Peretti novel or even the popular novelist of legal dramas. Doubt? Reasonable doubt? There was plenty of it oozing but yet the jury served up the guilty verdict in 1 hour! Unbelievable!
But nothing will change the fact that God sees the entire conclusion of the matter and will bring every work into judgement, including every secret thing whether good or evil. We are to Fear God and Keep His Commandments, for this is all that man is.
In the dead of winter there is always hope for spring. It is not over. There is more to this story. The truth will burst forth. We are judged not by what the outside of the cup "looks like"...the newspaper articles or the farce of a corrupt trial that resembles a 1960's southern kangaroo court railroaded by the KKK! We are ALL judged by the inside of the cup. The truth and nothing but the truth.
Who pray tell will get our poor child the true help she needs and her cohorts if her lies are allowed to succeed? Who will she manipulate and devour as her next poor victim? Your son? Your brother? You should have her live in your own home now! What will become of her when CPS drops her like a hot potato at age 18? Do Tell! Who will help her handle the guilt and shame for destroying her happy family in one sweep? Where will her ridiculous entourage be? Will she develop more severe criminal behavior, more drug & alcohol addiction or become a pregnant welfare recipient or commit suicide? Good job guys. Touche' from all the friends and family members who love her and know her so well and knew she showed no signs of this story having any truth to it. "We were there to SAVE her life with accountability as well as the innocent victim of a the scandal!"
Here is a Casting Crowns song that best suits the stance we "the wrongfully accused" have made called: VOICE OF TRUTH
Think of how Joseph felt in the bottom of that pit, and then taken to prison, and then accussed of raping Pharoahs wife, and then taken to prison again! He had human fears and feelings too. He must of had to overcome them. We all do! My husband has had a physcial battle for five years and often times he thought he was going to die. But, he fought through the natural, and walks in the Spirit (most of the time ha!).
Oh, you said it so eloquently! My friends, too, said this is so akin to Joseph (in the Bible story) when Potiphar's wife WRONGFULLY ACCUSED him of raping her and he was sent off to prison...BUT God vindicated him and made him second in command to Pharoah and we never heard again about Potiphar's wife's end. I pray this disturbed child who WAS abused by her real father, causing her a childhood of pain and trauma, will be set free of the demonic oppressors who have tormented her. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. May the truth and justice that were silenced in this sham trial be freed from their shackles in a corrupt court and State system and break forth in sunlight for all the world to see. May this innocent man be free of all charges. I am praying that the accusing child will feel such remorse for lying about the only kind and decent father who ever came into her life that she will come forth and tell the truth that her stories were all spewed forth from her disturbed imaginations planted there by her biological father.
Oh, my God in heaven, bring Your righteousness and justice to ALL concerned...the victim stepfather, the false accusers, and the duplicitous state officials, prosecutoress, and judge who muzzled the mouths of the defense lawyer and all the many defense witnesses to prevent any testimony that would have cleared without a doubt an innocent man. B.
You are being lied to about the real father! This daughter was never wanted, much less cared for by her mother. Do you know the real father? Have you heard his side of the story when he was falsely accused? Our prayers are not heard by a merciful God for those who pray out of spite and hate. This is what the mother has done. Quit blaming the judicial system and take responsibilty for the things that have been said and done against this man of God...her real father.
There is just one problem here with the story of Joseph. He was an innocent Godly man. You cannot compare Joseph with a man who was proven guilty by a jury that heard evidence, not accusations. Justice was served and now you need to move on with your lives and ask God to forgive you for misleading people to believe otherwise. It will get you nowhere with God.
This girl will not end up pregnant or committing suicide because for once in her life she is in an enviornment where people really love her and will love her into wholeness. A place of safety and security. A home of acceptance and healing for the past mistakes of a mother who never put her interests first, but continued to use her wrong choices to blame her daughter.
This girl will be a trophy of God's grace, mercy and love. Anyone who speaks anything different over her is breaking one of the ten commandments, thou shalt not bear false witness!
Good lets see it!
I guess the girl showed the preachers wife(the real father's only advocate posting all adverse comments on this blog!) not to shoot her mouth off to soon! In just a few months too...she ranaway and they have never reported her a runaway to the CPS dept! They just shook the dust from their hands and feet I guess!
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