Friday, March 16, 2007

The Bigger the Mess the Bigger the Miracle!

If we faint in the day of adversity our strength is small, so it has been said. So here we are facing life and death really. We've done all we can and must continue to stand, when we are powerless we are surrendering and trusting our will and lives over into the care of God who is able to restore us to sanity! This is when we go forth bathed in the power of prayer knowing the things God hates which are detestable to Him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, and feet that are quick to run into evil, God hates a false witness who pours out lies and anyone who stirs up dissension amongst family!

We move forward knowing God is on the side of truth and he hears the prayers of the righteous! What would we do without knowing there is a Higher Power who sees everything and deals in justice and mercy? We know that one is better off with a millstone tied around his neck and dropped into the deepest sea than to get what God has for those who mess with His own! I will let Go and let God and watch and see what He shall do on behalf of the innocent one.....I pray for repentence by the evil doers and perjurers. Funny how they never consider having to stand before God about all the scandel, the secrets and lying, and scheming that has happened to harm an innocent man. That's the scariest day of all. I want to be on Gods good side when I meet my Maker!

If He can care for the birds without them asking for help, He can care for me! Help! God Help our poor sick child that has hurt so many, so swiftly, especially herself. Our hands are clean and our hearts are pure. We are waiting on you to intervene. With all the hype and all the hoop la....and all that fuss over her from those who should be able to see.... yet it is like the Casting Crowns song in alot of ways...."Doesn't anybody Hear Her?" The steeple people are those in the lofty system she is in. The first part speaks of the daughter's actions, the last part describes the Mom's journey in this mess.We give her to you she is your child....we trust you with her life... we are powerless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No this is not over yet-not here, nor in the heavenly court.Let us not be deceived by the 'appearance' of this 'win' by the other side.
I am most thrilled to read of all the people INSIDE the prison that He has reached for Christ.His very presence IS affecting them=perhaps GOD is not through INSIDE the prison with using him yet.Anytime people suffer TOGETHER they are bonded for life.SO their eyes are on the sparrow too....So when God delivers our innocent-these people will gain hope and knowledge of the TRUE Deliverer.They already KNOW to not trust in the courts and the officers of they will be learning how to believe in Holy God as Deliverer.This is not over-no.God will not stand it if this man is innocent-he belongs to HIM then we KNOW God has a plan.It FEELS dismal now but GOD overrides all.
Love,in Christ,