The point of this site is to raise awareness of what is happening to teens who have been scarred by sexual abuse at such an early age. Our girl was 3. She explicitly described what her "Daddy does to me!" The inappropriate behaviors and sexual tendencies they demonstrate as they enter puberty. The sexual behaviors were uncomfortable to see from a child 5-6-7 years old. The multiple personality disorders and trauma's that arise from such abuse and what it is like living with a child hurt this way. Even though they are far removed from the abuse and protected for years unharmed, they still have a way of turning south though they are in the best of families.
The point also is to imagine you, yourself of being innocent and placed in prison for something you did not do. Especially if labeled a child sex abuser. To be falsely accused and not having the spare $$$ of $100,000(PLUS!) to be properly defended. Watching the system fail to uncover the truth. Rather watching the system wildly squash a happy and innocent family because they can and of course everyone hates a real child abuser! To become a "fall guy" for someone else's sins is hard to digest. To believe the truth will come out and watch the STATE do everything to BLOCK the truth from coming out is incomprehensible. For the State to acknowledge the graveness of the child's lies and personality disorders from her prior abuse would cause them to be wrong about this story. SO, They simply shun the determined mother (who loved and protected her child) as if she was absent from the whole new experience while alledging step dad doing such far fetched deeds. No proof. No DNA. Coached, mixed up, snowballing stories. Slammed by a system with all the money to do so and never helping the sick girl with her many problems she is not in control of. MOM begged in juvenile court to have daughter placed in rehab/camp for children with these issues. Mom even wrote DR. PHIL months before this story broke to help find somewhere that could help her daughter in her manipulative issues popping up. CPS instead enabled her dysfunction and dumps her out of their system anyway they can. They did not know WHAT to do with her and her patterns of sabatoging her home life. That is, they dump her into the hands of the very father she accused at age 3. He who by choice, remained completely absent from her for 13 years. Not a peep out of him! Why silent, if he did not do it? He did not work it out with the requirements to see her and visit her EVER! Only he can answer that. And so we hear he has a big exuse now, he's a minister?! Let's ALL do a polygraph together as a family! So every single person in this psychodrama can be accountable for their part.
We believe that a polygraph test should be mandatory for all involved. Every person in our story who played a part. The accusers. The accused. At best some dishonest and lying CPS/Detectives should initiate this before taking the ball and running with it in the future. Then they wouldn't have to frame innocent folks! This could have saved the STATE a million $$. What about these criminal cases where it is not true? There are many people in prison who are innocent so we find out now. The Innocence Project and others have these stories in the news all the time now setting the prisoners free after years of being in prison due to a sham trial. All because of a failure to investigate, a lousy defense and zealous prosecutors who need to meet their quota with a big case and a WIN for their resume.
We stand fast for the truth to surface with the HOPE our story can touch the world and change lives and legislation someday. Mostly we stand for the truth to come forth so that the sick may be healed. For help to come for the lost and hurting in our story. For relationships to be restored in wholeness and truth and love. Vindication for the wrongfully accused. That is the point. That is why we share our story here with the world. The story never made known to the "jury"!!