Did you know your gir
Teens in some FOSTER CARE today get to do all this and more. So, it's no wonder they may do anything to get out of your house to have some FUN! God forbid this happens in your home town!
Help for parenting teens:
FYI******HOW TO SPOT A LIAR when they are LYING!!!
What is scary is when they are so good they can believe their own lie! That = sociopath!
Getting lied to, and then buying into it, is almost always a bad thing. (Sometimes it’s life and death.) Really good liars are everywhere, but they can’t control what they don’t know they’re doing. Here’s some stuff that most people will automatically do when weaving a yarn.
If the liar actually believes they are lying, (and that it is wrong!) then watch for negative self evaluation gestures. These are usually touching of the nose or ears. Yes it sounds silly. Yes, we almost all do it. No, we don’t realize it.
Eye contact almost always weakens during the actually telling of the lie. Except if someone’s doing that “look in my eyes and tell me” thing. In which case eye contact is mandatory.
Most liars tell lies “palms down”. It’s a subconscious move that is defensive and deceptive. Showing someone your palms makes you feel vulnerable.
Most liars are also slouchers. Our backs naturally straighten when we are proud and confident. Liars faking confidence, are rarely either.
Humans eyes generally move up and to left if their brain is doing visual or audio construction. They will generally move to the upper right when doing recall. Just remember: Liars go Left, the Righteous go Right.
None of these mannerisms on their own is a solid lock. But if you get someone presenting 3 or 4 of them, they’re selling you something you shouldn’t be buying.
For more details on liars body language:
This rant confuses me.
Are you trying the "Colbert" approach of saying the opposite of what you truly think and feel?
Or are you, perhaps, insane?
In most states, foster children are not even allowed to spend the night at a friend's house.
Much less the debauchery that you are accusing them of,
February 13, 2007 2:34 PM
This rant is a true insane experience as you read it. It is the result of poor investigation which all you read is actually happening as we speak. An insane nightmare for the innocent!
Thanks Lisa
PS this was all brought on after reading Boundaries by Cloud/townsend....and also Boundaries with Kids!
We are advent students of theirs!
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