No healing can begin without rigorous HONESTY! None, impossible! Perhaps after everyone involved does a polygraph test there can be a starting point. Honesty, EVERYONE must get honest. But the perjurers are actively addicts of either alcohol or chemical dependency so how do we know when they are lying??? When their lips are moving! We the accused asked for a polygraph from the onset of this story just as soon as the accuser did one first. This request was NEVER done! She was the one who as doing the "crazy" lying! As per her diagnosis: she does this so well and can instantly at a push of a button can disassociate from her reality like a cookie cutter experience. That is how she has survived this so well. In an instant she can be all things to all people. But she cannot keep track of the details of her lies. She sugary, sweetly prepares her new surroundings to learn how she may manipulate to get her way as she has done repeatedly all her life and in foster care. She is not sincere. Her appetite is not within her control and she has not gotten the help for it. She is always plotting her strategy like she is living her split personality. Just compare her CPS, therapist reports with all her MYSPACE vocabulary and postings from all her friends in and out of rehab and relapsing and laughing about it. Our girl's only wise remark is as she has posted recently "HURTING PEOPLE, HURT PEOPLE" that is out of the mouth of babes! WHEN will she get help for her monumental destructive actions?
The two teenage girls who conspired together a story that put a good man in prison need to tell the truth and how they came to the point of no return with their scandal." Who " motivated them and coached them and why. Appropriate Institutional Rehab needs to be made available to the one with the many diagnosed illness since 3 years old to address the root of her issues.
Please see this similar story of a girl with a previous sexual abuse history at a young age and see how quick she was to later become the perpetrator and scandalously lie about an innocent person out of anger or revenge. This is just like our story. Thanks to CPS more lives are ruined. This girl too, must live with the guilt of what she has done.
The sickest part of this whole experience is the rampant CPS, Police and Prosecutor MISCONDUCT!!!!! Read more on this subject!
CPS manipulates and refuses to provide contact or counseling for mother/daughter. Mom must first look daughter in the eyes to say she believes her lies. Can't be done. CPS never did their own investigation and never contacted the many on the family and friends list to question the story. CPS has sent no reports of recent documentations of their doings to the Mother. Mom is homeless but has a forwarding address. Still they send no communication.
Today, AFTER ALL THIS, CPS driven by money pressures, reunites the father with the poor sick child who he molested at age 3. A man who has been in hiding from these accusation for 13 years. The man the child repeatedly said to therapists "my Daddy B___" hurt me and she play acted out what he did to her for witnesses and therapists. "he stuck a stick in my butt and made it bleed" "I don't ever want to see my Daddy "B' til I'm ninety! "why did my Mom let my Daddy hurt me?" This is a man who kidnapped her for 2 weeks without telling anyone where she was for what was to be a weekend visit. It was after this that the child was never the same again. A man who was never charged because the Mom fled the state to protect her daughter from further harm after seeing her playact oral sex with another 2 year old saying "this is what my Daddy does to me!". A man who got away with it because Mom had no strength or money to do what needs to be done to return to the original state to press charges. WHY? She had no strength or money. He simply can refuse the polygraph and say he didn't do it and the girl gets to live with him now! Good job CPS.
This is an incredible story and may you stay strong for the victory God has in store! God sees all things done in secret and they shall be revealed.
The sad truth is that the mother was having an affair with a man who the daughter called daddy and was left alone this man. This same man was convicted and spent time in jail for molesting his own daughter. Witnesses came forward and testified in writing of these things 13 years ago. Let's get the record straight here. The mother is blaming the daughter for disorders when in fact she did not protect her as a little girl. Accusing an innocent preacher as a way of getting out of a marriage is a poor excuse for what has proven to be an avanlanche of years of wrong choices on the mother's part. Trying to prove the innocence of a guilty man, while continuing to bring the father into the picture here is a gross mistake, both in the natural and the spiritual.
Father never refused a polygraph test. Father took girl for two weeks because mother was not taking care of her and she was left alone with a man she was having an affair with who was a proven abuser and with a jail record of these things. Documented eye witness as to neglect of mother at the time and little girl being babysat by this man. Father did not just show up. Father had been paying child support ever since she was stolen from him. Examination done on 3 year old child back then rendered proof that no physical evidence supported mother's claims of child abuse by real father. Father waited for the truth to come out after all these years. Yes, child was probably abused but not by father.
There was never another boyfriend or lover! This is the story DAD has told everyone in his life but in reality YES, she was abused and the only one the girl ever freaked out to be alone with was her daddy after he did it and the things she SAID my Daddy does to me Ex: kissing her between her legs as she plays doing this with another child! This keep in mind is when the preacher lost his license from alcohol abuse and also Mommy was called by police dept to come pick up my baby girl at the police station because the daddy was so drunk he almost dumped her over the pier into the water! All this going on while Mommy was in the hospital with my other dying daughter from leukemia. It was a stressful time for all. It was a bad time. I hope and pray that tho daddy meant well saving souls on the streets that he must have been drunk when he did it instead of doing it in his right mind. He has some good qualities and was very helpful in the home to me.
PS Daddy's refusal to take polygraph is in the documentation for DHS. He claims it may hurt his ministry.
You regretfully forget that two people caught you red-handed with another man while you were married and he was the man (looks like you forgot this one) that was a convicted child molester. But oh, it was too easy to blame dad because you wanted out of the marriage. How do you justify that? Alchol did not play into this scenerio. FYI..he did not loose his license. It was suspended and I am sure that we all make mistakes. He does not drink at all and has not for 14 years!!!
One should not judge. This will be the last entry to this terrible justification of wrong doing on your part. You need to live with the consequences of what you have done to keep your daughter away from her father all these years by blaming the wrong man. Also, it was a documented fact that she called every man "Daddy".
When my husband and I separated a few months after our daughter died we were both drained and a wreck. (Glad he too got sober again as I did too because we had no business drinking being former alcoholics) but the man of God had lost his license from a DUI and his son had to drive him around to all his jobs quite awhile. He has memories of that too I'm sure etc. Now this man in question, not positive because I never had an affaIR on my husband, I believe may have been his friend that lived in my apartment building after we split up. This guy was a neighbor who also had a little girl that my daughter loved to play with. I only lived there a few months and while her daddy was still very active in her life. She knew WHO her daddy was and called no one else daddy at that age. The neighbor who knew her daddy also would let our kids play together at times. He was not my boyfriend and I know nothing about these stories you say but my child was not terrified of him and enjoyed playing with his little girl. It was only her own daddy she would scream in terror to go with especially after that time he kept her too long without telling me where they were for 10 days. I was about to report him for kidnapping! I also was applying with the city to be a child care respite giver for foster kids for income. But then all this came out what she said he had done to her and I packed up in a few days and was gone once I was sure it was true. Other people observed her terrified to be alone with her dad as well. I was not the only one. I was too exhausted to be having an "affair" as you suggest. This is just not true but if you feel better believing it walking in your shoes then you will find out the truth some other time. I'm glad to help you know what really happened as it happened right here.
Again I never would have turned my back on the great help your husband was to me with the kids and home if I was not convinced that fleeing was for the utmost safety of my daughter. Her safety, wholeness and healing was always a priority to me and still is today though I have been betrayed and cruelly dissected from the picture from a corrupt system and series of scandelous lies. I will always stand for the truth to unfold in this story and for healing and restoration to all injured by this drama until the day I die.
ALSO THANK YOU! I was always grateful that you made sure the child support was sent every month because before you married I did not even get it that much. It was CPS that made sure he had to go thru them to get me the support. He refused contact with his daughter doing it via accountability for her claims to injuring her so it was his choice not to contest the whole thing if he was innocent. I cannot believe if this was all a big mistake and he was utterly innocent of abusing her that he would elect to stay out of her life without a fight x 13 years. Not a card or a word from a devoted caring minister. That's not the man I married anyway!
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