Due process to protect the innocent has been denied. HOW? Information herein blocked from the jury! Testimony from defense witness's denied. Who were among the defense witness's? The accusers devoted Mom, grandpa, long time babysitters, aunts, uncles, long time family friends, teachers, youth leaders, all reputable members of society, drug free and they knew the accusers AND the accused very well! What else was denied the innocent/wrongfully accused? A proper investigation of the material used to bias the jury that was made available for defense review 1 hour prior to court. Computer data that was not part of the criminal charges. No defense expert witness regarding the mental stability of the accusers many mental disorders or computer examination. The prosecutor's accusers were (#1)a manipulative 14 year old girl who having a repeated pattern of lying was molested at age 3 and left with severe personalty disorders and a seductiveness that was active far before the step dad was in the picture. (#2)Her 34 year old sister who, has a pattern of rageful toxic behaviors. She has a history of drug and alcohol abuse and retaliates against anyone who confronts her inappropriate behaviors.. The older sister's history also of permitting drug and alcohol use for herself and to her own underage children who were "best friends" with the 14 year old. In fact one the 34 year old's daughters (#3)became an ally to the storytelling (#3 is afraid to tell the truth now). Sexual promiscuity is the "norm" among these girls. The 34 year old sister and the new "foster mom" poses on MYSPACE touching tongues and endorsing "partying" along with sexually explicit poses amongst all involved. On and on it goes. Their home life was volitile from the rantings of the 34 year old. Sound like a credible bunch? These 3 were hellbent to live together to party yet ALL THIS AND MORE was BLOCKED FROM THE JURY! These 3 were the STAR witness's for the prosecution. All had conflicting testimony on record based on the story telling of the 14 year olds grossly ridiculous list of accusations.
The #1 accuser was landed in drug rehab just a under 2 months before trial. All her myspace writings which glorified "f"word, sexual activity and drug use had one main point of sorrow revealed and repeated. It was her broken heart over the stupid "boy" that she gave up her first sexual experience with while in foster care! How "happy" she used to be when she was at home and dancing which was her passion...(.while with her mom and step dad)(sound like a girl who was abused everyday for 4 years without telling anyone? think again!) More unknown to the jury.....
Here is a posting from her internet site a few months before trial:
Please make my dream come true...
"as i lay there feeling his hands and body thrust against me i thought y..he doesn't really care and that if i go through with this ill live to regret til the end..but yet i let it happen over and over and now all i feel is the pain like a stab in the heart and i pray the satbbs will shuve thru till i die. and yes i was right he didn't care never did...so i wake up everyday and try to hold the tears back but yet they still fall i see them together and i see her i think she's perfection the gurl who got my dream the gurl that will get to see the things all never see...if i could have one wish i pray that god will just take this pain away and kill me!!!"
Here is another one before she went to drug rehab:
"ihave affically hit rock bottom...as we all know every teen goes thru these stages, mine recently has been an act of pursuing temptations all teenagers face...life is quite scary its crazy how thangs turn out, i don't know what happen to me...i remember when i was little playin with my dolls in my room spending every waking moment with my mom...getting babysat n now instead of playing with dolls its zippers, and well as for babysat well yes i do but while making beetis with the tolit.
I take the one person who loves me the most for granted and basiccly live like f-ing robots coming and going with who knows what pressures to face next.
I used to ask myself w-t-f am i doing to my life...mylife is misunderstood this isn't who i am i wish i wouldn't have followed thru with those temptations...cuz now instead of being the gurl who loved life to the fullest be the gurl who danced til she was olmost annorexic the gurl who always brightned ur day always had a smile on her face the girl who u can always count on to be sincerly happy....
now im the gurl u lov to be around cuz i make u laugh but only bcuz everthang is blurry...the gurl who the guys will look at cuz they know there bed won't be empty later on in the night n spending almost every waking minute with a tear rolling down myface, cuz i loved him, i opened my heart gave HIM a chance n lost apart of me to him and gave it up to him and then bcuz my heart hurts so bad i need a fix i try n cover it up with either the razor or drug of my choice....altho i truly love to dance it has always been a passion of mine since i was old enough to walk...i used to teach dance n perform,my dream was to grow up n be a dancer and pursue a career in it , nut now ull only catch me dancing on tables.
because of my decisions i have made, i've not only hurt me but my family as well. n even tho my friends still carry on the life i've been leading...ive hurt them too and i hope you guys know that my appologies are up in the air and are standing clear!
This is a snipit of what the prosecution withheld from the jury! These are confessions from a girl the CPS is documented as to lying to cover up the truth says #1 is doing wonderfully in her foster home and she is well adjusted and wants to stay. She tells them her (real) Mom is cool but she would just run again if she went back home to live. WHY? Because she can't do all these wild things in her Mom's home. It was too strict! Now she is suffering with guilt and shame over the lies she told to get out of her house and to do these things: her "bad" choices. WHO NOW will help her with the guilt of destroying her Mom's life and putting an innocent man in prison so she could play play play and it eats at her like a cancer??? WHO really helps now?
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