Jesus also had people that knew the truth and were horrified at the injustice of the false accusations, who tried to help Jesus to no avail....
Life long learning brings you many different teachers. Everything that happens to us no matter how bleak, will happen for a reason and with a deep spiritual meaning. To be able to step back and ask God, "what is the meaning and purpose of all this?" God's answer will be revealed when the time is right. We cannot develop good roots unless we have the storms to test them!
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for my names sake."
" We look to you Oh God, to be our help in time of trouble. Every knee will bow....and every tongue will confess.....You see what is hidden and done so craftily in secret.....you see everything!"
Somehow I know that our God will vindicate this innocent man. I do not believe He will permit evil to triumph. He is the Ultimate Righteous Judge who prevails over every attack of the enemy against the children of God. It will be in His time, but truth will win...in Jesus' name...B
Who else do we have to lean on but God to vindicate dishonorable people who mean you harm? What a sad, sad world we live in. I pray those who bore false-witness against you have a terrible attack of conscience and see the error of their ways. In the end, sometimes the only thing you can hope for is to have the perpetrators of injustice to come forward and be large enough to admit they are wrong. It seems that once judgment has been passed there is no turning back. You are definitely in my prayers!
God does not vindicate liars. He allows them to repent. This story is not complete until all of the characters involved are able to defend the lies perpetrated by a mother who is bitter and never nurtured her daughter. She married a man that she could use as a scapegoat for her own dysfunction...and that's the truth. There is a broader picture here. I encourage all who read to consider not just this snap shot in time but pray the mother stops running in her conscience and deal with the true fact, that years ago she accused the wrong man. All he did was wait for God to vindicate him. He stayed away and let God expose what you now read rather than fight an angry woman bent on destroying him and his ministry.
HOW can someone who has been missing out of the picture x 13 years objectively comment on how the mother and daughter lived after the father abused his child at age 3 HE who chose to be missing in action x 13 years without a word? He knew where she was all along but refused to be a part of her life because he didn't want to stir the pot since Mom could still go back and press charges for what he did. He just got lucky that she did not press charges. Lucky is not the same as VINDICATED or no proof was shown! There was plenty of proof. Just never back in the state to put him in jail! Mom was too busy caring and loving and protecting her emothionally disturbed, special needs daughter and just tried to live a peaceful life one day at a time. She had a good support system with others who helped the girl who was such a challenge ones energy level.
P.S. I find it very interesting that you chose to believe your daughter when it came to the lie of her dad (you probably put those words in her mouth) but now that you have lost your husband who reprsents a home and support, that you do not believe her now. You supposedly believed her then, but not now? Hmmm....
Thanks M.A. Listen: 3 year olds don't know how to lie or behave like a psychotic traumatized person unless it is real. They don't know how to "act" like that or con anyone. Not like the 14 year old that was happier than she had been in a long time those first 3 years of having a step dad she called daddy and was openly fond of. That wasn't an act either. But the whole story she came up with when she ran away because I made the boys go home at midnight and called the police on the night before imbarassed her so bad she was furious with me and then the story telling began. The lies she told every CPS, therapist and detective all jumbled together about ME and her stepdad were astounding. There was no doubt that she was lying I was there!. She was frustrated that we both were a team in stopping her shanigans she tried so hard to get away with! No doubt she lied at age 14. A mother KNOWS her daughter. She had no new signs of a new abuse. I know how to tell. I was a pro at it. NUMBER ONE reason is a she would never have kept it a secret. SHE lets no one do anything to her she doesn't like. She would have showed me by her flip out actions if her stories were real. She was much too content until she moved near her sister who allowed her girls to drink and do drugs with there friends at her home. Did her sister tell you how she was caught drunk driving with a 17 year old who she got to drive her from her kids party? Did they tell you the 34 sister year old had sex with the 17 year old? That's the kind of character I did not approve of and why they conspired together against me to retaliate. I was about to have a family intervention on my oldest daughter about her having affairs on her husbad. Motive huh? God bless you for your energy and courage in writing here.
MIA??? Hardly so. Dad sent child support every month and NEVER missed. The state knew all along where he was. He did not hide at all and offered to take a polygraph test. Where were you? You obviously forgot that one important fact. The truth is that he would not subject himself to the lies perpetrated by you and a set-up. Why do you think he is allowed back into her life? He CHOSE to wait this out, knowing that the truth would surface, for the real problem in this girls life was not her father but her mother's poor choices. We rest our case in God's hands.
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