Imagine a frame job funded by the taxpayers hard earned dollars. CPS pushes and shoves it's way into a cover up, based on a story from sick and tainted story tellers, CPS or police never demanding a polygraph from their storyteller to continue on. No evidence. No investigation! It's a HE said She said by an emotionally disturbed teen with an agenda. Each un-credible witness for prosecutors has proven themselves a pattern liar, unreliable and manipulative yet the establishment pushes on to ignore the facts and maintains its quest to destroy innocent lives and a stable family. Never questioning the parents involved. WHY? To further or promote their careers? To save themselves the embarrassment of an incomprehensible error?
CPS headlines in their reports as their only defense... How MOM refused to believe or protect her child. NEVER did they or the local police find out that she was a special needs child with a pattern of lying and manipulation from her many mental disorders! The girls taped "cutesy" police interview is ALL lies including what she said about her own MOM! YET, CPS' meddles, and they fail to do right by the child by enabling the dysfunction! They fail to question the dozen people who knew the child since birth and then on her journey of craziness since she was abused by her real "preacher" daddy when she was 3 yrs. (Just like they can send you to the foot doc all they want but it won't help the brain tumor growing to deadly proportions! ) CPS/detectives deliberately ignore the red flags, documentation and screaming mother who devotedly holds the truth. THE child is delusional and LIES! She has AXIS II Histrionic Personality disorder for one of 4 diagnosis. Rather they push to quiet Mom by destroying her livelihood. Determined to remove the innocent fall guy for her! Waiting 9 months after having produced NO evidence to support the lying child's claims. Then only 1 hour after a juvenile court hearing which Mom continues to stand for the truth demanding the proper help for her child, CPS gets real pissed off THEN endorses a corrupt process collaborating with detectives, and prosecutors which they all of a sudden find something "interesting" on 1 of the 4 computers they seized. Mom won't play their game so they get the step Dad arrested. They withheld the 64? "computer images in question from the defense" until 1 hour prior to trial. They say, "well he's not being "charged" with these images" so the Judge says to the defense you can look at them now. They suppress every defense witness testimony and evidence that could prove the accused innocent! They fabricate their own surreal synopsis of a story that does not exist. All to carry on the obstruction of justice started by a mentally ill teenager. The pre-doomed trial organized and staged by the young twisted prosecutress abusing her power and her buddy "the presiding judge" stonewalls the truth from being heard. The prosecutor seduces the jury with her bleach blond hair, fake tan and skin tight miniskirt suit that hugs every curve of her bodacious bottom with screeches and shrills from a hysterical woman acting out her drama like an adult "molested" as a child herself, shedding big elephant tears for the show. THIS CASE: Having a defense who does not cross examine, obtains NO expert witnesses or brings out the inconsistencies in all the discovery and the 4 different versions of the story by the prosecutors witnesses that was in his care nor counsels with his client. The judge allowing the 'manufactured' detectives discovery to be admissible only 45 minutes prior to onset of trial. Evidence requested months before, withheld from the defense. Yet, not criminally charging the 'accused' with that bit of evidence! Why not? Because it didn't exist but to concoct their manipulation of the jury!!! That's Right! Planted computer images that had no tie to the accused. All this and for phony press coverage in the newspaper? Sickening, right here in AMERICA!
GET THIS! The clencher here (after sending an innocent man to prison ....destroying an innocent stable family) is really more deadly as we see the antic's of CPS (funded by tax dollars) hard at work, truly only motivated by money.....they craftily orchestrate to arrange the child to re unite with the parent who is documented in their own system as the real molester! The father who has been missing in action (AWOL 13 years) because the disturbed child accused him of sexually hurting her as a 3 year old. SHE Play acted out the accusations and demonstrated for professionals at age 5! Mom never took a part influencing that story. The offending father has always refused to engage in taking a polygraph or be accountable to the charges but rather chose his ministry career over having contact for 13 years. This was confirmed in juvenile court as he announced over the court room on the phone he "doesn't want to be a father right now but tell her I love her and I'll continue to send support" as she goes off to foster care at the onset of our set of false accusations in this story you are reading right now! This person was the one MOM devoted her life to protect her wounded daughter from! Mom has been strict, protecting her always from unhealthy situations that would trigger her post traumatic stress disorder. If it was not true she never would have kept the child from the father. More infatically, the father would have never stayed in hiding if it was not true! Now CPS has succeeded in reuniting her over to the real perpetrator! With a warm welcome and red carpet! He refuses a polygraph still or counseling but that's OK with CPS! I wonder if they'll seize his computer first! Oh No silly! Of course not, they need to save themselves further $$$ for her difficult care and will do anything to cut her loose from the cost of state support. What ever the real perpetrator wants though, they/CPS give now! After all didn't our girl not have the freedom in just a few months to get addicted to drugs under their watch in foster care? Every turn of the way they have given the disturbed child whatever she demands including NOT going to counseling etc or going to school or whatever , whatever..... no wonder they want her off their hands. She's non compliant at every turn. She sweetly manipulates until she goes for the kill. Unleashed, without providing her the proper therapy for her many diagnosed mental conditions. Of course what is encouraged by the CPS, to cut off all contact with the MOM. The daughter is all for that too because how can she face her Mom after the damage of all her lies she has told? It is easier for her to sever that relationship than face the hurt she has caused her mom and step dad whom she loved and was openly affectionate with all those years.
GET THIS! The clencher here (after sending an innocent man to prison ....destroying an innocent stable family) is really more deadly as we see the antic's of CPS (funded by tax dollars) hard at work, truly only motivated by money.....they craftily orchestrate to arrange the child to re unite with the parent who is documented in their own system as the real molester! The father who has been missing in action (AWOL 13 years) because the disturbed child accused him of sexually hurting her as a 3 year old. SHE Play acted out the accusations and demonstrated for professionals at age 5! Mom never took a part influencing that story. The offending father has always refused to engage in taking a polygraph or be accountable to the charges but rather chose his ministry career over having contact for 13 years. This was confirmed in juvenile court as he announced over the court room on the phone he "doesn't want to be a father right now but tell her I love her and I'll continue to send support" as she goes off to foster care at the onset of our set of false accusations in this story you are reading right now! This person was the one MOM devoted her life to protect her wounded daughter from! Mom has been strict, protecting her always from unhealthy situations that would trigger her post traumatic stress disorder. If it was not true she never would have kept the child from the father. More infatically, the father would have never stayed in hiding if it was not true! Now CPS has succeeded in reuniting her over to the real perpetrator! With a warm welcome and red carpet! He refuses a polygraph still or counseling but that's OK with CPS! I wonder if they'll seize his computer first! Oh No silly! Of course not, they need to save themselves further $$$ for her difficult care and will do anything to cut her loose from the cost of state support. What ever the real perpetrator wants though, they/CPS give now! After all didn't our girl not have the freedom in just a few months to get addicted to drugs under their watch in foster care? Every turn of the way they have given the disturbed child whatever she demands including NOT going to counseling etc or going to school or whatever , whatever..... no wonder they want her off their hands. She's non compliant at every turn. She sweetly manipulates until she goes for the kill. Unleashed, without providing her the proper therapy for her many diagnosed mental conditions. Of course what is encouraged by the CPS, to cut off all contact with the MOM. The daughter is all for that too because how can she face her Mom after the damage of all her lies she has told? It is easier for her to sever that relationship than face the hurt she has caused her mom and step dad whom she loved and was openly affectionate with all those years.
Geez! This is CPS at work wiping out families in America. This could happen to you or someone you love. God help you against that dark force if they should get involved under a false pretense. They don't care as long as they WIN! They are hellbent to WIN at any cost. God's truth will have the last word, indeed it shall!!! BUT, Who has the MONEY $$$$$$ to fight this kind of horror? They are doing a dis service to the children who are truly victims of child molestation. Its a lynching MOB mostly like the days in the south the KKK went after anyone of was of color to set an example of. What's the difference today in America?
SADLY, to this date the CPS institution fails to provide a proper therapy for our disturbed child. They continue to enable her patterns of destructive, manipulative behaviors and have severed any relationship with the outraged mother who devoted her life to keeping her child safe. CPS reports giving lip service only regarding therapy for our accuser and the unsuitable "kindergarten counselors" have failed to properly diagnose and treat the child's lifetime of personality disorders.
What will become of her do you suppose? She'll be 18 soon enough and they will drop her like a hot potato! They will wash their hands of this girl at the soonest possible moment they are able to get away with it. You watch. They have no accountability for what destruction they will cause by failing to get proper help for the child and will continue to cause harm to innocent families right here in America! Frightening.
In west Texas, you are guilty until you can prove otherwise. This is a fact, but an unspoken one. A jury listened to the evidence of the state who produced only the testimony of a student against the teacher she and every witness for the state admitted she had a "crush" on. The only other evidence was a SANE exam, but the student had told many others that she thought she was pregnant several times in the school year preceding the "assault". She, however, swore to the court that she was a virgin. The state's case was falling apart after the teacher testified and brought forward witnesses proving her times and dates of the "assault" could not have happened, so the student accuser was brought back to the stand. She swore that her teacher had a mole on his back that was so large she felt it with her hand during the "assault". So the teacher raised his shirt to the jury and showed that there was no mole as the accuser had claimed. Yet the jury came back with a verdict of guilty on all charges. Midland, Texas has a different set of rules than the rest of the country. No proof is necessary for a claim of sexual assault. All you need is a student to come forward. Your next stop will be the jail. And you will never be able to have your life back.
Dear Shelly,
God's grace and peace to you today!
We know from your comments that you have experienced some very stressful
situations, but we strongly encourage you to trust in God and not to lose hope.
Jesus Christ is Savior and Redeemer, absolutely nothing is impossible for our
Continue to lift up your needs to the Lord in prayer, inviting Him daily to
fill you with His Spirit. Allow Jesus to empty your heart of its burdens as He
bathes your soul in His perfect peace. Trust the Lord to care for you, even in
the midst of incredible trials and stress. He will walk with you, and His
strong arm will bring you through the darkness and into the light of a new day.
God is loving and faithful. You will see His glory in your life and the lives
of those you care about as you persevere and trust in Him.
We know that you are deeply concerned about the very difficult circumstances
you and your husband are currently going through. Our hearts are joined with
yours in believing that God will make a way for every need to be met. Let your
mind focus on Jesus and His goodness, all He has done for you, and how very much
He loves you. Rejoice in Him and your heart will experience divine peace.
As trials come and go, remember that the Lord's ways are not ours. Our
pleading prayers won't always bring the answers we desire. Then we must pray as
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane to His Father saying, "not My will, but
Your will" (Mark#14:36). His will for us is to lean on His wisdom and love, not
on our understanding (Proverbs#3:5). When we join our Lord in Eternity, we will
be able to say of every trial as Joseph said to his brothers, "Though it was
meant for evil, my God used it for good."
Read this story! You won't believe it either!!
Mother Jailed, Put On Trial for Curing Her Son of Melanoma October 3, 2007
Posted by angryscientist in Bad Science, Whistleblower Corner.
An unholy alliance of California Child Protective Services (CPS) with a hostile doctor and judge is attempting to railroad Laurie Jessop, framed as a threat to her son and the establishment for finding a way to cure him of malignant melanoma. She is now on trial, under a gag order, since she had gone to the press. When she was arrested, she was put in maximum security, solitary confinement, in the Orange County, CA jail. They claim that everything about. her says anti-Establishment, so she was told, as she was considered a threat in starting a riot.>>>>>>>
You ought to thank God that you were not insinuated as an accomplise to the abuse of this girl that you claim was molested by her "preacher father". Your false accusations back then set you up for what you are now reaping after all of these years of keeping her real father away through lies and the system. You are now defending the wrong man and have for years slandered and accused the innocent man. What's wrong with this picture? We pray for you that your eyes will be opened and for God to reveal those things that are hidden.
Thanks you M.A... Remember when you called me because you had a check in your spirit? I never slandered my daughters Daddy. I just lived with the damage. In fact I tried never to discuss it with her. SHE was the one who would talk about what her daddy did to her to people and to teachers. She was mad at ME for "letting" him do it to her! Why did my Mommy let me go with my daddy? she would say. She never got over being mad at me for it in her little mind. All the years I cared for her after that I would protect her from anything that would trigger that memory because she would have meltdowns over a smell, or flash freeze at something that would be a memory in her mind. Her daddy on the other hand stayed in HIDING never allowing himself to submit to the states requirements to have contact and was offered supervised visits which he refused. That is why he has refused to be a part of her life. He has refused a polygraph because he did it and is guilty. Now he may not remember it because he may have been drunk when he did it. Do Check with local police dept where we lived back then. It all Had nothing to do with me. I never accused him it was the 3 year old! That is the same thing I told him the last time we talked about it. I never would have kept her daddy out of her life if it was not something this evil. He needs to face the music for that bad seed he planted. Look at the back lash of evil that has come from that single evil injustice done to our baby! VINDICATED? NOT YET! This is not over trust me.
I appreciate you writing these comments and reading what really has happened because it is a missing link I am sure for everyone that knows that his daughter was MIA for a very strange reason! I welcome your prayers for the truth to be made known to all. Thanks, Sincerely Shelly
So sad Shelly. He NEVER refused supervised visits. What he did refuse was to allow you to set him up with your lies and slander. Yes you did slander him. He was counseled to wait it out and let God vindicate him, which you have a hard time accepting after all these years. Calling you was the biggest mistake. Seems as though you are using that also to justify your dark deeds. Not ever did he HIDE. He merely waited for the truth to set him free. Now he can enjoy his daughter and she is enjoying him. Let go and God.
There wil be no more comments from here on out from the other side.
It is all so nostalgic...dad could not afford a lawyer to defend him to communicate with this daughter, much less supervised visits way back then. That and that alone is the reason he had no contact with her.
Dad had a website for 10 years. HIDING??? I don't think so. Looks like the ball is in the other court. Let go and let God...
Again Not a false accusation from me it was all out of the mouth of babes and as a mother my first instinct then and now is to protect. I lived with the damage that was done to her at 3 and would have welcomed her daddy's help if she did not convince me that he was the one. He laid very low all these years for a reason. Now we are still facing the effects of a child damaged at a young age and is living out her adolescent years like many young sexually abused children do. Being very sexual, lying and manipulating and in her case split personalities. I hope this full circle is what you dreamed of and that you are ready for it. My prayers are with you too. I know you mean well. I only want what is best for her even tho she has told so many horrible lies about me AND her step dad whom she loved very much. I never spent time dreaming of ways to slander your husband M.A. I let it go along time ago. Tho I recall him slandering his son's Mom before me and I guess its no surprise he'd do it to me too. We both had a painful loss when our other daughter died and I don't wish that pain and suffering on anyone. Few marriages survive that especially when quirky toxic faith is involved. I have been set free from that religion and love God and believe there is a bigger picture unfolding as I have prayed for righteousness and truth to prevail for a long time. That's why you shouldn't put your shoutin shoes on just yet. We just have one little problem now and that is an innocent man is in prison because of our emotionally disturbed big girl wanted out of a very structured and sane home. She wanted to cut loose and do it up good and I was holding her back. Good luck because you are going to need it. I'm OK with her being there now because she never will do anything she does not want to and therefore she's too big for anything inappropriate by her dad. I have to believe he is sorry for what he lost and why. And that's a healing start for her now. I am powerless over this entire dark nightmare. Keep coming back! Shel.
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