We never know what is stirring beneath the surface. Things aren't always as they seem on the top are they? Which leads us to the big question now: Why did our darling girl run away from her real father after just 4 months in his home? Did she remember everything he did to her as a toddler or did she just want to bust out of the boundaries again to run with the girls who get to go wild and free where there are no rules back at her big sisters house? Which is it?
Mary Ann do tell why she ran.......big sister's house after all was her original destination plan when she ran from us in Sep 05 but it back fired on her. It was not a healthy place to be. Maybe CPS won't care anymore where she goes because they cannot control that girl. But obviously, now nor could daddy OR mommy! This is why she needs the proper help for her emotional disorders but no body would listen to mommy would they????
Why comment? You seem to know EVERYTHING!
One thing is for sure.... she received unconditional love and it was her choice to run. She did not want to be anywhere but with the sister she chose to run to, who raised her. Had nothing to do with the continued SUPPOSED accusations from you in the past.
We did the best. Untimately it was her decision and God's love that she will never be able to out run, through the prayers of people who choose to love her in spite of what she does. We will do that all the days of our lives.
Why condemn her? Why not pray for her without the whinning about what you lost. That's God's love in action, not just words. We do not regret one minute of having her. Remember, we were all 17 at one time. The question is what were most of us doing at 17? He who is without sin....cast the first stone, again!
P.S. Did it ever occur to you that God in his redemptive nature was giving this precious girl another opportunity to show his grace and mercy?
He will not be upstaged by darkness or deceit. Get over it. Her father was acquitted many years ago and to continue to blame him is not taking responsibilty for your wrong decisions in life. She is a victum. Not you!
He could not afford to hire a lawyer, (IRONICALLY, just like you now,) to defend himself way back then and simply waited for her to return. At least she is in touch with us.
One thing is for sure.... she received unconditional love and it was her choice to run. She did not want to be anywhere but with the sister (who allows underage kids to drink and party at her home.)
We did the best. Ultimately it was her decision and God's love that she will never be able to out run, through the prayers of people who choose to love her in spite of what she does. We will do that all the days of our lives.
(she chose to run) What she wants she manipulates to get and she has proven that she always gets what she wants and has learned by her big sis how to lie , cheat or steal to get it. That's what sets her far apart from other 17 year olds.
Alot of what you said is exactly how it was all her life at her Mommy's house. NEVER raised by her sister! Who told you that story? She was never around for her nor liked having her little sister around. Nor will she like it now. Big sister is not cut out for the task.
Thank you for your efforts MaryAnn it was part of God's plan I am sure of it to have her visit you a bit however to fully understand how she is like no other kid read the book COMEBACK that the eyes of your understanding may be enlightened of the seriousness of her condition that is still going unchecked. I never wanted to believe what she said about her daddy at age 3 either. It was horrible but as her mother I had my instincts to protect and I never stopped giving her unconditional love through all the insane nights with her screaming in night terrors from her memories. Nights I will never forget as long as I live. Her little spirit was broken and the only one that was ever there to mend the broken heart was her mother. That is a fact. No one ever hurt her like that again as long as she lived under my roof. I watched her like a hawk and she DID NOT LIKE IT when she turned 14 she began to plot her own course and she has not stopped. You just barely got your feet wet TRUST ME!
What? She ran again? Seriously? Wasn't she living with her biological father? Where is she? Isn't she underage?
Yes she ran away from real daddy because he has too many house rules and she ran back to the sister where she can do whatever she wants... when she wants. She will keep running until she gets real help, She is 17 and soon will be released from the system that has screwed her up the most!
Too many house rules? That's a switch from your self righteous patting yourself on the back when you continue to say that you had rules that she did not want to obey also.
Her father had "reasonable rules". That was in NO way the reason she left.
Bottom line, (let's get the story straight) - she missed her sister and wanted to be with her during a time when she is receiving medical treatment and not well. If you want to fault her for that then just remember that you are judging her and bitter and critical.
You don't know what happened at her father's house so you would be wise not to even comment. She had priviledges like having a cell phone, a tanning package, a gym membership, spending the night with a friend she made AND a job!! And you call that too many house rules?
You need to be healed and quit whinning.
She is almost 18. If you ever expect her to want to see you again you should stop faulting her and have compassion on her. WWJD!!
Do we agree with what she did? No, but we will keep the lines of communication open and forgive her.
That is what true Christianity is all about, after all, if one is to quote the Bible and talk about God.
Dear Maryann, I don't fault my youngest for any of her insane behaviors because she is a VICTIM of child abuse at age 3! Yeah, she ran away from my house sept 05 because her last words to me were that "I never let her do anything!" and she wanted to go help her sister when she got her tummytuck when I said NO! Funny, she tells everyone now the reason she ran away from your house is because her Dad only fed her babyfood! What's up with that story? True or False accusations from your place? FYI: I love BOTH my daughters but will hold them accountable for the truth and the LIES until I take my last breath. They know it and thats why we are in a moral and ethical WAR. Thanks for coming back like you do. PLEASE read the book COMEBACK.
Well here we go again. As long as you think that her problems go back to this supposed abuse at 3 years old by her father, your prayers will NEVER be answered. You have jugded an innocent man guilty (and are defending the wrong man) and have not placed the blame where it belongs....on you running away from a marriage you did not want and returning into the arms of an x husband, who threw you out and claiming it was your OTHER x's fault. Wow, and you wonder why this youngest girl has turned out the way she did? Because of your false accusations and forced involvement by DHS i.e. secular counseling etc. all this has happened.
You once said her father "dissappeared for 13 years" How is it that he consistently paid child support and did not miss one payemnt and no one knew where he was? Sorry Shelly, but you will one day wake up to the fact that you did not handle things right from day one, going way back.
So far as the baby food goes..that was for a temporary protein diet (turkey sticks) he was on. You even said yourself she lies. Well, let me tell you exactly what she ate. Ben & Jerry's ice cream, pizza, chinese food just to name a FEW!! That was in addition to home made italian and healthy food.
I am sorry but we cannot continue to get caught in your web or in any other web up there in Oregon!!!
We will stand beofre God knowing we tried our best to love her. Are we perfect? Heaven's no, but one thing we are not.....LIARS!
P.S. Please quit addressing me on your blog. I am only doing what you are doing and so you cannot fault me, and that is defending my husband like you are defending yours.
To continue this terrible placement of guilt on my husband is a terrble sin. Not even God does that! Guilt and condemnation are from the devil. He was aquitted of any charges brought BY YOU through DHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your youngest daughter told me that she does not even remember her father, she was just barely 3 years old and that he DID NOT abuse her.
My husband is not the devil and to continue to blame him is getting real old and worn out.
I guarantee you if he was guilty, when our lawyer represented him that day years ago in court, (when YOU were there, with Denise) he would not be where is he today. But he is not where your husband is and not because you did not pursue it. The DHS tried to pursue it in court (as you sat there) to try to prove him guilty but they could not because of the many witnesses against you of your indiscretion and your affair with Tom B.
Sorry Shelly, but they do not put innocent men away every day like you insist.
I am truly praying for you.
MaryAnn your last line was the best thanks, please keep praying for God's TRUTH to be revealed and that I can forgive you for trying to make my daughters injuries be my fault for living or not living right. God used several concerned people to help me flee to get my daughter safe from further harm you on the other hand married a man you knew was the perpetrator. You called myself AND Denise but chose NOT to believe. This is WHY we are here today. You are helping him keep the dark secret under the carpet because of your ministry together. You may find out from The Father you made a wrong decision yourself! BUT...Keep coming back! We are grateful to you for your help to her.
Is it true the real perpetrator DAD and his wife chose not to report the 17 1/2 year old a runaway to authorities when she ran away from his house after only 4 mos together to go to another state so he wouldn't have anymore trouble with the state and CPS? He didn't want to rock the boat but let his daughter be a drop out of school and sent her money to keep her happy at her new destination that has no accountability or supervision nor expectations to finish high school? Wow that is what it looks like because nobody (DHS) bothers with her now!
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