It could be a beautiful "season of your life" and then the dark evil cloud of injustice obliterates innocent families via CPS and over zealous prosecutors!
This is just ONE state!!!!!! Read on and WELCOME to America!
Who said recently "the the innocent don't end up in prison for no reason????"
State falsely accuses 3,000 of child abuse
Investigators have 'power of God,' can ruin life with stroke of pen!
Posted: May 15, 200811:45 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services erroneously labeled 3,051 innocent people as child abusers by placing them on the state's official list.
According to a Belleville News-Democrat investigation, 11,473 people have appealed to strike their names from the state record. The list has a 27 percent error rate of parents falsely accused of abuse. Once on the list, people are required to remain there for a minimum of five years.
"They're not all bad, there are good ones," Nick Brunstein reportedly said of state child abuse investigators, "but the bad ones have the power of God, and with the stroke of a pen they can ruin your life."
Brunstein is a former foster parent who won his 2-year fight against DCFS to clear his name after his 11-year-old foster daughter, diagnosed with schizophrenic and bipolar disorder, accused him and his wife, Judi, of physical and emotional abuse. The girl claimed the family harmed her by requiring the children to do chores and homework.
The Brunsteins lost $20,000 in lawyer fees, and three daughters they had planned to adopt, ages 2, 5 and 11, were permanently removed from their custody.
The Belleville newspaper reported more than 80,000 people were placed on the State Central Register from Jan. 1, 2002, through Aug. 1, 2007. Another 1,426 appeals have been denied, 3,178 have been discarded or withdrawn by the accused, 3,289 have been closed or dismissed though administrative processes, and 529 appeals were pending.
A DCFS spokesman, Kendall Marlowe, said errors can be made, but that most of the people on the child abuse list are legitimately placed there.
"A lot of what happens at these hearings is it becomes a legal process, not ... whether it happened or not, but whether enough evidence is presented," Meryl Paniak, the DCFS' chief administrative law judge told the paper. "So does that mean some people are probably unfounded and shouldn't be? Yes. And it's the same thing with some who are indicated and probably shouldn't be."
However, attorneys who represent parents at appeals hearings have called child abuse investigations flawed and unreliable. In 2006, the News-Democrat reported that 53 children died while they were under DCFS' care following sloppy investigations by caseworkers.
Who said recently "the the innocent don't end up in prison for no reason????"
State falsely accuses 3,000 of child abuse
Investigators have 'power of God,' can ruin life with stroke of pen!
Posted: May 15, 200811:45 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services erroneously labeled 3,051 innocent people as child abusers by placing them on the state's official list.
According to a Belleville News-Democrat investigation, 11,473 people have appealed to strike their names from the state record. The list has a 27 percent error rate of parents falsely accused of abuse. Once on the list, people are required to remain there for a minimum of five years.
"They're not all bad, there are good ones," Nick Brunstein reportedly said of state child abuse investigators, "but the bad ones have the power of God, and with the stroke of a pen they can ruin your life."
Brunstein is a former foster parent who won his 2-year fight against DCFS to clear his name after his 11-year-old foster daughter, diagnosed with schizophrenic and bipolar disorder, accused him and his wife, Judi, of physical and emotional abuse. The girl claimed the family harmed her by requiring the children to do chores and homework.
The Brunsteins lost $20,000 in lawyer fees, and three daughters they had planned to adopt, ages 2, 5 and 11, were permanently removed from their custody.
The Belleville newspaper reported more than 80,000 people were placed on the State Central Register from Jan. 1, 2002, through Aug. 1, 2007. Another 1,426 appeals have been denied, 3,178 have been discarded or withdrawn by the accused, 3,289 have been closed or dismissed though administrative processes, and 529 appeals were pending.
A DCFS spokesman, Kendall Marlowe, said errors can be made, but that most of the people on the child abuse list are legitimately placed there.
"A lot of what happens at these hearings is it becomes a legal process, not ... whether it happened or not, but whether enough evidence is presented," Meryl Paniak, the DCFS' chief administrative law judge told the paper. "So does that mean some people are probably unfounded and shouldn't be? Yes. And it's the same thing with some who are indicated and probably shouldn't be."
However, attorneys who represent parents at appeals hearings have called child abuse investigations flawed and unreliable. In 2006, the News-Democrat reported that 53 children died while they were under DCFS' care following sloppy investigations by caseworkers.
This is exactly how it played out in our story. We are NOT alone in this STATE induced coercive nightmare. Or from the words of a girl with more diagnosis' covered up by the scandal of our STATE! We are paying the price for the one man who got away with it! OUR CPS dept admitted to the juvenile Judge in court that they NEVER did an investigation after 9 months into the case! They just pursued a story from a girl with 5 diagnosed mental conditions ....... never checking it out!
Way to go! CPS destroying innocent lives......
These stories keep on coming about CPS screw ups!
Educators claim child sex abuse on word of psychic
Case worker investigates single mother based on soothsayer's suspicions
Posted: June 18, 2008
10:18 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Colleen and Victoria Leduc
Acting solely on information from a psychic, a public elementary school alerted child welfare authorities when they believed an autistic student had been sexually abused.
Colleen Leduc received a frantic call May 30 from Canada's Terry Fox Elementary school principal, vice-principal and her daughter's teacher after administrators suspected her 11-year-old autistic daughter, Victoria, had been molested by an adult male. They told her the Children's Aid Society, or CAS, had been notified of the alleged sexual abuse – though they were unable to offer any evidence to confirm their suspicions, City News reported.
"The teacher looked and me and said: 'We have to tell you something,'" Leduc explained. "'The educational assistant who works with Victoria went to see a psychic last night, and the psychic asked the educational assistant at that particular time if she works with a little girl by the name of "V." And she said 'yes, I do.' And she said, 'well, you need to know that that child is being sexually abused by a man between the ages of 23 and 26.'"
Victoria does not speak, but administrators said she had been showing signs of sexual behavior in class, though such conduct is considered normal for autistic children. Her actions were symptomatic of a urinary tract infection and led officials to believe her condition was a proof of a sexual "attack."
"It's actually your worst nightmare your child being violated," Leduc said. "So for them to even suggest that, and that be my worst nightmare, it was horrific."
Circumstances worsened for Leduc when school administrators believed the psychic's statements and used information about Victoria's medical condition to help child protective authorities build a case against the Leduc family.
"They reported me to Children's Aid," Leduc said. "Based on a psychic!"
Leduc was already having trouble paying her bills because she was a single mother raising an autistic child. She was unable to pay for Victoria's therapy, so she said she had no choice but to send her to the public school.
The mother insists Victoria has not had contact with a man in his 20s and said she has been frustrated with the school after it lost her daughter on numerous occasions. Due to their inability to keep track of Victoria, Leduc fitted her with a costly global positioning system to keep track of the child and record all audio around her. Based on the recordings, she had sound evidence that the child had not been harmed.
However, the Child and Family Services Act requires CAS to investigate suspicions of sexual abuse, so a case worker visited the family in their home. The case was closed after the worker acknowledged a lack of proof and called Leduc a "diligent" parent who had been troubled with a "ridiculous" report.
According to City News, Sue Dale of the Simcoe County CAS said, "It is highly unusual, I will admit, to have a case called in based upon what a psychic might say." The school board was short on words when the news agency inquired about the sex abuse allegations.
"I don't have the information yet, but when we proceed with our own investigation we'll know more about that," said Dr. Lindy Zaretsky, the Simcoe County Superintendent.
According to the report, the board admitted to overreacting and acting on the word of a questionable source. But Leduc became so frustrated with what she believes to be incompetence on the part of the public school, that she quit her job so she would not have to send her daughter back.
Victoria's mother said she has been unable to work and does not have the financial means to send her daughter to intensive therapy. She has contacted an attorney and plans to sue the school board for the cost of treatment for the rest of the semester – therapy that can cost $50,000 per year. The board has refused her request.
This IS what happens when people meddle when they don't know what is going on! People who THINK they know something! In our case it was my girl's best friends "mother" whom was later appointed "foster" mother when she had no clue of taking care of a special needs child. She didn't even know she WAS a special needs with 5 mental diagnosis! It snow balled from there.....
I have started a website for those who have been falsely accused. Please let us know your testimony. www.delicatetruths.net
We are also being wrongly accused, it seems in this day and age you are guilty until proven innocent, not the other way around!
A father wrongfully accused of sexually aaault of his own daughter.
Ex - wife claimed the daughter said that daddy touched her inappropriately, but Dr. visit did not show anything.
Ex-wife has managed to keep daughters away from their dad, for several years.
Whenever the dad does get a chance to see his girls the mother is coming up with outrages claims againsdt this father.
The ex-wife accussed him of rape when they were still married and living in same house. The dadf was aquitted.
They did have a 3rd. daughter that passed away 2 yrs. ago from a rare disease. The dad flew all over the country tying to find help; the mother didn't even acknowledge it.
At the childs burial the mother sent a police officer to the dad's house to give him a note of the child's death.
This dad didn't even get to hold his baby and say good bye.
The horror this poor man has gone through is unbelieveable.
He needs help and voices (many) to help him fight now this horrible horrible claim against the mother and state.
If there is anyone that can help PLEASE PLEASE contact me!!
The mother has lied her way through things and made up stories to on end.
But now an inocent man's life depends on justice and help from others.
An innocent man needs help!!!!
This man is a wonderful dad!!!
He has gone to the ends of the earth for his daughters, and lost all materialistic items to his name; fighting for his girls.
The ex-wife has managed to lie her way through stories of what a monster this dad is; and yes she does have people that listen.
But now I am asking all to listem and help this man.
He is a dad just wanting his equal time with his daughters.
The ex-wife refusses to allow it. The courts only slap her on the wrist.
When the dad does get some time with his daughters it is fantastic.
The mother doesn't want him to be apart of their life!!!
Now she has lied that this dad touched his 7 yr. old daughter.
Although the doctor found nothing.
She has managed to continue claim this, she convinced the girl to give a statement to cpa.
This dad was arrested and is waiting a hearing. He is out on bond and trying to work to gain some money for this fight.
Which is not easy!!
The mother claimed he threatened to kill them, he was a flight risk etc.
I am asking if there is anyone out there that can help?
This is an innocent man that needs every prayer, help that can be provided.
The whole story is very long.
Please help!!!!!
Contact me at kmcgilvray@hotmail.com
There are many who need prayer with the desperation you have like we have had and still do. This is an ugly topic and few are willing to touch it or even listen. There is a movement to assume guilty until proven innocent and there is no real protection for the wrongly accused unless there is $100,000 handy up front to tackle the possiblity that there are sick psycho liars willing to stop at nothing out there. It is the EVIL of our day. I am sorry for your pain and insanity. We know it well. God Bless.
I have a case where, my oldest son of the age of 4 and the smallest one of the age of 1. I had an accident with the 4yr old were he got burned with the iron, and dcfs made a big deal and luckily I was able to fight it off, recently my youngest one of the age of 1 was playing and bumped into my 4rs old and was pushed into the heater and got burned on his thigh, when I took him to his yearly shots, his doctor called dcfs and dcfs opend up another case and are making it harder for me because i previously had a case with them 3 years ago and especially that they were both my kids are around the sam age when it happend. its really devastating and painful going thru this, I am seeking for a good lawyer to help me out on this one, I pray to GOD to help me out I love my boys and dont know what I'll do without them. please help me and support me, I am a single parent, work and go to school. I again cannot afford to pay a lawyer of 15grand, I dont have that kind of money email me with any advise or comments at ale_molina05@yahoo.com
It is insane in this day and age that they are able to get away with this i am to wrongly acussed of child abuse and am feeling the same way devistaded my family has been ripped apart and have had no contact with my children. it is absolutly insane that they can get away with this with no evidence of any kind it is not recognized as abuse to the child when you make wild accusation and not having the father around is abuse and these women that do this are very sick people and need to be punished for the crime they are commiting.
I have just been recently accused by a school social worker of physical child abuse. The state came knocking on my door without me knowing it, like they intentionally wanted to surprise us. Apparently my son wanted to be a class clown and said something he though would make other kids laugh and ended up in the office. He was questioned and examined without our permission and I believe made him say what they wanted to hear.
As the state come knocking and told me the alleged abuse, she asked to come in, I was going to deny her without warrant but realized that I might make things worst plus we have nothing to hide anyways. She interviewed my son and 2 toddlers alone (with our consent), checked their skin for signs of injury but there were none so the CPS told us she will drop the case.
Just the simple fact of being reported as an abuser is very stressful to a family coz we are stressed right now. We wanted to push back but we know the reporter is mandated and protected by law. I honestly think that us being a minority race in the school is the reason for this. I do hope they change the law soon.
I am a Christian mother of two beautiful children. I have a squeeky clean record and everyone in my life would attest to me being a wonderful mother. Two months ago I was bathing my two kids when the phone rang, I left the bathroom for 30 seconds at most, came back and my son was under the water. I quickly revived him by CPR, I had just taken this class a few months back. I called 911 and that is when my hell began. I did the WRONG thing by trusting the police. Me noth knowing any better, I spoke to poice, gave my story and it was twisted. I had two cops show up at my home to take photographs and question me which I was willing to do because I had nothing to hide. A few weeks ago I had child services come check my house. She spent maybe 10 minutes here and did not have any reason to have any worries. I have a neat, clean home with food, clothes, toys, etc. Two days ago three police showed up at my door with a warrent for my arrest for CHILD ABUSE. My son is fine, and was given a clean bill of health thank the Lord after only a few hours in the ER. And he is fine to this day. I was handcuffed in my home and taken to jail where I spent 2 hours locked up, finger printed and photgraphs taken. Yesterday I went to court and they slapped me with a Mantatort Restraining Order stating I had to be removed from my home and could not be with my kids until the case was either thrown out or until sentencing. My husband talked to the judge who seemed very confused and questioned the District Attorney as to why are they taking me away from my children almost TWO MONTHS later! The judge removed those things from my MRO. I now have an excellent attorney working on my case but had to put down 5,000 TO retain him. He is confident this can get thrown out and that my record can be wipped clean again. That is my prayer during my time of hell. The biggest thing I can tell anyone reading this is DO NOT TALK TO POLICE unless you have a lawyer present. They will befriend you and then lie and throw you under the bus. The sick thing is I went to the DA and payed for a copy of Discovery and there is NOTHING in the reports stating anything bad. In fact reports they made state there are NO SIGNS OF ABUSE OR NEGLECT and there was NO SERIOUS LONG TERM INJURY to my child. However, they are charging me with CHILD ABUSE RESULTING IN SERIOUS LONG TERM INJURY. If this case is not a case to show how corrupt the system is I don't know what is. My attorney believes that he can get Child Services on my side and does not think they are currently siding with the DA as of now. Pray for me....
I am so glad you found our site. Do explore the resources the the right hand side of this site also you must read this investigators website about false allegations and the CPS and police tactic's it will be very helpful to you right NOW.. God Bless and may God's truth prevail against the dirty bastards! Sorry God!
I am just started to look for things on issues with Children's Division. I too have been a foster parent for the last 6 years, adopted 2 boys both with issues, and we had fostered 2 young children for over 2 years, and we have a biological little girl. 8 Months ago we were accused of neglect on one of our adopted boys. Well when I refused to put him in the hospital at age 7 is when it got ugly. They hotlined me, removed both of our foster children with no warning then came back for our adopted children the next night. But never touched our biological child, which I am so very thankful for. But really if I am a horrible parent? Why am I only a horrible parent to 4 of the kids in our home? They knew they could hang my daughter over our head. Adn I am just started to speak out about it and the more I find out the more people have been treated like this. My heart goes out to you guys and I hope you are in a better place now.
i have a son who is 16 years old he was just wrongly accused bye another student in school for stalking her they were all friends and the school called him to the office and the police questioned him without our permission as a parent I and his farther know she is lying but we dont know why he doesnt even talk to her bye himself they are always with other kids he walks home or to the store across the street never past the store across the street unless he walking home wihich is in another direction from her but that dont mean he is following her. she lives a a little over 1/2 of mile from the store to be honest he's to lazy to even walk home he rather wait at the school until 4 so he can get a ride home what should we do we dont want this on his school record or to be suspended or be arrested because of what she thought was happeing that wasnt her brother has even given my son a ride home from school she has even sent him a friend request on facebook he never accepted because i only let them get on face book on saturdays during certain hours what should we do should we get a lawyer how do you think the school is going to handle this because i want a full investion done
My daughter was a very diffacult child to raise always mouthy and always wanted her own way as she got older it got worse i didn't know what to do so i had her go live with her father things didn't work out there so she came back to live with me this happened several different times now my mother in law called Dyfs on me all the time over stupid things needless to say they always closed the case until one day my daughter got so out of hand that i finally smacked her in the mouth she was 16 at this point and i told her she needs to go stay with her dad well she did and once again Dyfs was called on me and there they had a case well long story short it went to court i have a record and my daughter was sent home to live with me 2 months later because they couldn't handle her so i took her back. This was the worse thing i ever could have done because at this point she started cursing me because she knew that i couldn't do anything about it. Well now my daughter is 30 with 4 kids and still acts like she is a teenager she has lost all her kids and i can't get any of them because i have a Dyfs record. I got really close to my Grandkids and i was more like their Mom rather then their Grandmom I also bought them everything they needed cloths food bank taxi and they were with me everyday and now im not allowed to see them because there are no Grandparents rights and i have a Dyfs record. Im sad and depressed and cry most of the time. That is my story.
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