In our case a system that fails to do it's job. A system full of zealots, a wannabe ROBO COP detective new on the job goes gang busters on a story by a disturbed teen(who was molested at age 3!) who just wanted OUT of her "strict home" and bondage of home rules and structure to go with the local GIRLS GONE WILD! A detective who fails to find any truth to the story by evidence, prior history etc, etc, for 9 months after doing the only thing HE DOES do: BUST down the front door with a SWAT team to search and seize holding the parents to gunpoint to the head shouting CONFESS finding nothing to support the girls claims!! He fails to do his homework, research, joins in cahoots with a corrupt CPS system who never dis-believes the child accusing. A CPS system should be privy to the inappropriate twisted tendencies of a blooming teen who was molested at such a young age! But no! A system blocking EVERY witness testimony who knew the accuser's behaviors since a toddler. Submitting planted computer images (available 1 hour prior to trial) from a computer kept in a mechanic shop. Prosecutors who abuse their power and states resources and busts forward to destroy innocent lives, blocking all testimony that would prove innocence and all for a high profile notoriety case on a subject she(Ms. Prosecutor) maybe biased as to being a victim herself! Seems so by her unprofessional performance in court to manipulate the jury.
Not having $100,000 for your defense on hand to defend false allegations. Instead, you get an attorney who never spends more than 1 hour total time with the wrongfully accused prior to trial. Never hires his own investigator. An older retired attorney who appears confused and unprepared, who does NO CROSS EXAMINATION on prosecutors witnesses. Does not object to all the shanigans, leading questions, prosecutor facing the jury, rolling her eyes and all her body language showing her disdain. Does not bring up to the court all the ridiculous discrepancies in the delusional story. Does not study the facts or brings NO expert witness about anything about the case, ie: computer expert on the recently submitted images, psychologist review of all child's current and past mental conditions or asks each of the defense witnesses the proper questions!!!! Unbelievable. Off to prison because of a kangaroo court stonewalling the truth. A judge who clearly rules entirely for the cute young blonde, fake tan prosecutor who wears a tight short skirt hugging her every curve for the jury!
Again no evidence, no DNA, a simple he said she said! But because there was no $100,000 to spend on the defense it was a slam dunk frame job to cover up a series of mistakes on initial lack of detective work and CPS strong arming to win after being shamed by the doubting juvenile court judge because CPS never did their own investigation. CPS simply did what they always do and that is believe the child no matter what they say!
Right here in small town America where little small town folks paid by BIG tax payers money want to keep their jobs and get BIG recognition in their small town newspaper! What really will matter is: what they got to say to the Almighty one day about all the things they did in secret and what their MOTIVES were!
Number one way this happens is to have false accuser's with emotional disorders with no accountability!
Check this story out!
Freed Prisoner Reflects on His Ordeal
"One of the biggest reasons for the large number of exonerations is the crime lab used by Dallas County, which accounts for about half the state's DNA cases. Unlike many jurisdictions, the lab used by police and prosecutors retains biological evidence, meaning DNA testing is a viable option for decades-old crimes.
District Attorney Craig Watkins also attributes the exonerations to a past culture of overly aggressive prosecutors seeking convictions at any cost. Watkins has started a program in which law students, supervised by the Innocence Project of Texas, are reviewing about 450 cases in which convicts have requested DNA testing to prove their innocence.
"It is time we stop kidding ourselves in believing that what happened in Dallas is somehow unique," said Jeff Blackburn, the founder of the Innocence Project of Texas. "What happened in Dallas is common. This is Texas."
Read the story!
Well, the DNA testing is no doubt valuable to exonerate innocent persons...but in this particular case there was NO DNA to test because this wrongfully accused person never did anything to this disturbed girl to produce any DNA evidence connected to her. This is a tragic case of NO evidence other than the fabricated claims of a rebellious child who had been emotionally/psychologically disturbed for many years. It is tragic that a whole group of people who are supposed to uphold the law and protect innocent persons have connived to send an innocent man to prison in order to cover up their own incompetencies.
As one of the many witnesses lined up for the defense I think we are equally sickened by the gag orders on each of us not to tell the true prior behaviors of this accuser which was a monumental missing link for the jury that was NOT to know about her past behaviors, conditions, drug addiction and pattern of lying since a small child. What was even more insane was the defense attorney's lack of preparation to know what to ask each vital defense witnesses! He said the night before each was to testify to give him a list of what each should be asked! Never meeting with them or talking on the phone to prepare himself for the part they had in the defense. Then he got us confused with each other asking us the wrong questions! What an unfortunate experience for the accused who he also called by the wrong name in his closing statement. We all wondered if he seriously suffered from dementia or if he was paid off to fumble it all up. He did not object to all the leading questions by the prosecutor who was able to just get a yes or no answer out of the 16 year old accuser who looked as if she was drugged by ativan or something. Any how it was a unilateral case that the jury gave up a verdict in 1 hour that was entirely all false allegations. Were they friends or neighbors of the prosecutor or paid off too? Nothing will surprise me now after this experience. Defense attorney never pointed out the mothers side of the story for each set of lies the girl told. Its not everyday that a MOM knows that she KNOWS the charges are 100% false. They just trashed her for not believing her daughter. Mom in fact was adamant for the truth to come out so her daughter could get the proper help since she has now evolved into a sociopath. It is scary instead how the system has empowered/then protected the girl to do this again when she needs to get her way for something.
Is there any way to find out if the defense attorney is afflicted with the early stages of Alzheimers? That would explain why he botched it up so and would warrant a fair trial or appeal.
Mother is reaping seeds of false accusation against father when girl was 3 years old. He was never proven wrong. No DNA and the doctors never found proof that accusations had been substanciated.
Father has allowed God to vindicate him after all these years of waiting for the truth to come out,and he is now enjoying his daughter who was stolen. The mother needs to face the truth and repent. Stepfather needs to repent from continuing to use this girl as a scapegoat for his guilt. There is another side to this story! Don't believe everything you read here.
Nice comment from the folks on the other side. Thanks! Dear old Dad never was held accountable because charges were never pressed years ago it was easier to have the girl safe from him ever hurting her again than to spend time and money to formally do what needed to be done! The Bible says you know them by their FRUIT> This girl was deeply harmed and disturbed by the actions of her abuse. It was her Dad she was mad at for it. She said "my Daddy stuck a stick in my butt and made it bleed" at 3 years old! Nobody told her to act like a psychotic child at age 3 - 10. She acted out badly for all. Dad's help would have been appreciated all those years and Mom never would have moved out of state if it was a normal divorce and split! Yes Mame, there has been NO vindication until he confesses and if he won't in this life HE will in the next! Meanwhile there is innocent blood on his hands! Ugly isn't it? We heard also from Dad's own sister that she and our girl's Dad were too molested as young children by their own father! Then the grandpa molested her children too! This kind of evil runs in families unless the proper help is given. Now our dear girl at the age of 17 is on her way to being a criminal sociopath. She knows how to do what it takes to get her way.
This is very very insightful and well done.It deeply upsets me to read it as I lived so much of this myself. TRUTH has nothing to do with court.
Through watching our daughter's 5-6foster children things too I can tell you there is not a bit of caring about intensive mental therapy that is needed, from foster parents nor the social services-NONE are sending these children for the intensive psychological help they desperately need.This is commonplace and we are watching the future criminal minds be born through it.
Sex abused FOSTER KIDS>ALL of them can go this way and some already have the tell tale signs of this happening.LOVE does NOT override this damage,only GOD Himself can.Of course, very few of any of these children ever learn about GOD or church.
Well.... look at the kettle calling the pot black!! Dad spent thousands of dollars defending himself years ago when irresponsible mother took off. If I were you I wouldn't judge. This is the reason why you are in this position today. How does it feel to be wrongfully accused? Looks like you cannot handle being on the other end. There is obviously a gross memory laspe here. In the end dad was aquitted of all charges with witnesses. As to the man who really did abuse this daughter? Lay it at the feet of mom...having an affair witnessed by several, with a man who was a convicted child molester. Who is responsible for this precious girls heartache? Lay it at the feet of dear old mom, face the music and go on with your life and repent to God. By the way, this is not the dad that is writing. He has and always will be above this garbage of he said, she said. God knows and that is all that matters. Looks like forgiveness is in order in your camp!
P.S. Charges WERE pressed and dad has hundreds of courts documents to prove it along with proof of a hired lawyer. Your comments are totally unfounded! Dad's website has deleted Rex's entry and they refuse to enter into this web of lies anymore. Leave this fatrher and family alone and do not contact them anymore. Let this girl have a normal life for once!!
This is very enlightening thank you so much. Funny, charges were pressed by whom? Mom nor the many that witnessed the terrified behavior's of the child OF HER FATHER not the neighbor man (whom she NEVER called Dad who is supposively Dad's scapegoat for this trauma) Together it was all the witnesses and the childs behaviors and the Moms gut that made her know it was him and no other. Enough to move away to keep her daughter safe from him hurting her again! Mom or these witnesses were never summoned for a statement by the DA that may have well convicted him but knowing todays court system probably not. Mom never pursued due justice from the childs dad because she was devoted to her daughters peace and healing as she always has not engaging in the bad energy that erupts from water under the bridge! Mom never caused the trouble for the Dad but let him be as he stayed away. Thankfully that was enough until now. Sadly those harmful deeds done to his daughter by "whomever it is is" still is the root of her behaviors she is still not getting the help for today. Dishonesty about this happening is still brewing and is like trying to keep a ball under water. It is always popping up until dealt with to cause a healing result. As will the deadly consequences of her stories she so gleefully told to the handsome detective not knowing what it would mean for the innocent one she told the story about. It will eat at her like a cancer to take secrets of lying to her grave to stay out of trouble. Any troubles the preacher had was of his own doing, NOT because Mother flew back and filed charges with a statement and proof. She did not waste her self doing it. She let him go. I'm sure dads attorney advised him to stay away at all costs! And he did. Again Mom never tried interfering with dad's ministry or wellbeing. She put it all in God's hands. It was the child that for years was bitter about her father. Even when having the old family portrait hanging in her room for many years she saw his face and it was him she resented and never wanted to see again. "Til I'm ninety she told someone!"
My husband is in jail now since April of 2007. The prosecuter has no physical evidence no dna, only he say she say, his lawyer has only went to see him once since he has been in jail. My husband is charged with capital murder! How can the state put those kind of charges on someone without any evidence? It is tearing us apart he can't be with our new and only child who is now 16 months. I don't know what to do I don't know much about the law. He even has several wittnesses about where he was the night the murder took place.
In CPS cases, at least in Indiana,it is totally different than regular court. Nobody even looks at your side of the story. In my case, my daughter told me and a friend about her dad sneaking in her bed at night, and when my ex found out she told, he lied to CPS and they turned the kids over to him (2 girls and boy) and he took them to somewhere in Wis even though judge said I was supposed to have visitation and contact. My ex is a true psychopath, if you met him, you would think he was one of the nicest people you ever met, churchgoer, everything right on the surface. But nobody ever saw what happened behind closed doors. During the divorce and the time when he managed to get CPS to give the kids to him (makes me sick, the way they believed lies and give the girls over to their own molester to take to another state, while he told horrific lies about me (and while I was struggling to recover from the thallium he poisoned me with, he poisoned our dogs, shot our son's 4-h cat that the boy had grown up with, he grew marijuana by the woods and bragged about how stupid ppl are to grow it in cornfields, I found out he was growing dope when he ran out of the house and attacked me one day when I was going to go kill some poison ivy and nettles and he had to defend his dope. AND WHY DONT BATTERRED WOMEN TELL WHATS HAPPENING TO THEM? COZ THEY KNOW THAT IF THEY TELL, THERE WILL BE EVEN WORSE HELL TO PAY WHEN THEY GET BACK HOME BEHIND THAT CLOSED DOOR! He told me the day I filed for divorce that he would get CPS to give the kids to him and I would never see them again, and that's what he did. He called CPS every day, charming them (true psychopath, charming on the surface when it suits their goals to be charming) and not once did anybody ever want to hear my side of the story. I even have audio tapes of my ex when he was there, the kids hiding with me, while he screams and cusses and threatens to shoot me and then claims our son has Satan in him, etc, and you can hear his ranting and the kids terrified whispers on tape,I got hours of tape in just 5 days by hiding recorder in the bed. I taped him because I knew that nobody would ever believe this side of him existed unless I proved it. But nobody cared about the proof. I have documents that are forgeries done by CPS people, I have forged signatures on restricted mail sent to his gf that he stole from her mailbox. USPS said "the recipient has to be the one to file complaint of stolen mail" but how could she file when the mail was stolen and she never knew it existed? And some of the documents in the stolen mail were used by CPS in court! I have hunted for 3 years now to try to find the kids, my lawyer has asked his lawyer to give contact info and his lawyer never replies my lawyer. My ex left behind a ton of bills, he had run up his credit cards before going to Wis. Before he got cps to steal the kids from me and give them to him so he can molest them and they can't tell anyone else, he moved to his dad's house in Wis where he didn't have to have anything at all in his own name. He sold hundreds of dollars worth of stuff he had gotten on credit and never paid for. Our son recounted going with his dad to meet someone in a rock quarry and described his dad trading " a small bag with rocks in it for some money and then he wanted to leave and get out of there right away"
I have two gigantic bins stuffed full of all sorts of evidence,letters, handwriting samples, and other evidence. CPS own casefiles even contradicted themselves within their own documents, on one page my ex claimed our son molested the girls, the next he accused a friend of mine. Forged letters supposedly written by the kids were in the files, but the letters do not match any of the kids handwriting samples (and i have hundreds of samples of their writing.) And my attorney said there wasn't anything that really can be done because CPS isnt like regular court, my side never had to be considered or investigated at all. My ex's lies were never questioned, the kids were stolen from me, and in spite of judge order that I was to have regular contact and visitation with the kids, I haven't ever been able to get contact info. My son would have graduated from high school this summer. My youngest daughter was an excellent gymnast, with olympic potential before her dad did his cps-assisted kidnapping. I shudder thinking of what he is likely doing to those girls, but CPS didn't care about the truth of the fate they so egotistically sent the kids to And for 4 years years now, I've lived in a different place (I was in the process of moving when my ex first had CPS kidnap the kids...he used to brag about how easy it was to just call authorities and complain and sit back and watch the authorities do his work of getting revenge on someone for him. He even referenced that idea in one of the tapes I made, but unfortunately nobody cared to even listen to the truth in his own voice For four years now, their bedrooms they've never yet seen and their favorite pets have been waiting for them to come home, while I keep trying to find them and pray that truth will come out and real justice will finally catch up to my ex for all the wrong, cruel, illegal things he's done over the years without ever getting caught. If anybody knows of anyone who could help me, you may post my email for them to write to. 1reality.check@gmail.com
It is sickening what CPS has the power to do as if they are accountable to no one! You are not alone in your experience. We too have a similar shake down of events. In fact it took us over 1 year to even find OUT what lies were said about us. We were so naive to think from the get go that they would see the truth and lies and that our accuser would finally get the help her condition requires. But NO they only pursued and drove harder to save themselves the imabarrassment at being duped and costing our state hundreds of thousands of $$$ at a foolish girls whim to get out of her house that she still claims today that Mom is so "over protective" she couldn't do anything she wanted at home!! We need to band together for justice in America for the wrongly accused. God bless. Righteousness is on the side of truth no matter what evils the CPS Nazi organization does.
Hey wrongully accused,
This sounds almost exactly like my situation. Word for word. It even happened in 2008 just like your story.
I now have lost almost everything I owned to defend myself. Then family members got a restraining order and sold most of my things. The sheriff dept. wouldn't even listen to me about this.
Luckily my daughter came forward and admitted that I had done nothing to her. But the county went on a Witch Hunt from where I was looking at it.
No one realizes it can happen to you until the county prosecutor comes after you. Armed with guns and a search warrant they kicked in my door, twice.
The lawyer really didn't believe me either in my opinion. It was all about the money to them.
I am lucky. My life is ruined, all by a teen that just didn't want to live by the home rules.
There isn't a day that goes by, that I don't feel sad about the whole thing. Now in my later years, I have to worry about how my wife and I are going to make it in retirement years. No money. Property lost and Family and friends have turned against me also. People want to believe the worst.
My daughter feels bad about it but she is really confused and has mental health problems. They didn't look into that at all.
They didn't take that into consideration along with her drug and alcohol use at the age of 14.
I stood firm and I got whacked.
I still have my wife with me.
Thanks to our belief in God, or I/we wouldn't have made it through all of this.
Hi JG,
Thanks for sharing! It is incomprehensible what families are going thru because of some kids that want to rebel against the home rules! I'm glad your daughter told the truth. Often the authorities will not relent even when the truth comes out from the liar. They assume they did change the story due to emotional pressure. So you never know how it will end or if it will. We know God sees everything and that is all we know for SURE! God's best to you after what the enemy has stolen. Sincerely
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