Sunday, December 21, 2008
Merry Christmas! We pray that you each, get "everything" you need!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
To Be as SICK as your Secrets??? What good is in that?
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Hope, Help and Healing for the broken hearts...
Just as the sea is faithful to keep coming back to shore...wave after wave it does its magic and after the tide pulls back there are treasures uncovered. I'm thinking of sea glass. Its is so soft and beautiful and translucent holding it up to the suns light but, at first it was just a piece of broken glass, very sharp and dangerous and able to cut deep in an instant. This is our proof that God can take ALL things and turn them for something good for those who belong to Christ Jesus and believe.
The next step is Forgiveness. Without it God cannot do the miracles in the other's lives! Turning over our excruciating pain and hurt from cruel betrayals and lies is not easy but necessary because we are not in charge, GOD IS! He has always had a higher plan than what we can see at the moment. Our purpose is to trust and obey and stay out of His way in the healing of someone else's wayward soul.....ours is forgiveness to ALL those who have caused us harm and to pray without ceasing. Those who have hurt us do cry out for their own FORGIVENESS so they can be set free from their own sin, so they can find grace and peace. YES! So be it... Some in our story are easier to forgive than others.....
Listen to Bob Carlisle sing FORGIVENESS:
How do we forgive evil doers with unrepentive hearts? Our struggle is huge but we know if we don't forgive them then our Heavenly Father cannot forgive us for our trespasses.... so we try...but in this process
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Our's is a LOVE of a lifetime hard hit by terrorists!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Constitutional Rights Violated?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Bad things happen to good people!
Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest just lost his son in a car accident last week while driving to church. He was a handsome 33 year old married man with a wife, child and another baby on the way. He loved the Lord and is in heaven today. His family's hearts are broken but hear Greg share only 3 days after getting that horrible news about his son: "I Still believe" he says
Are you ready to walk the path toward the light?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Beauty for ashes....

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Re-Visiting the Path of Destruction?
Thursday, May 15, 2008
State Falsely accuses 3,000 of child abuse!
Who said recently "the the innocent don't end up in prison for no reason????"
State falsely accuses 3,000 of child abuse
Investigators have 'power of God,' can ruin life with stroke of pen!
Posted: May 15, 200811:45 pm Eastern© 2008 WorldNetDaily
The Illinois Department of Children and Family Services erroneously labeled 3,051 innocent people as child abusers by placing them on the state's official list.
According to a Belleville News-Democrat investigation, 11,473 people have appealed to strike their names from the state record. The list has a 27 percent error rate of parents falsely accused of abuse. Once on the list, people are required to remain there for a minimum of five years.
"They're not all bad, there are good ones," Nick Brunstein reportedly said of state child abuse investigators, "but the bad ones have the power of God, and with the stroke of a pen they can ruin your life."
Brunstein is a former foster parent who won his 2-year fight against DCFS to clear his name after his 11-year-old foster daughter, diagnosed with schizophrenic and bipolar disorder, accused him and his wife, Judi, of physical and emotional abuse. The girl claimed the family harmed her by requiring the children to do chores and homework.
The Brunsteins lost $20,000 in lawyer fees, and three daughters they had planned to adopt, ages 2, 5 and 11, were permanently removed from their custody.
The Belleville newspaper reported more than 80,000 people were placed on the State Central Register from Jan. 1, 2002, through Aug. 1, 2007. Another 1,426 appeals have been denied, 3,178 have been discarded or withdrawn by the accused, 3,289 have been closed or dismissed though administrative processes, and 529 appeals were pending.
A DCFS spokesman, Kendall Marlowe, said errors can be made, but that most of the people on the child abuse list are legitimately placed there.
"A lot of what happens at these hearings is it becomes a legal process, not ... whether it happened or not, but whether enough evidence is presented," Meryl Paniak, the DCFS' chief administrative law judge told the paper. "So does that mean some people are probably unfounded and shouldn't be? Yes. And it's the same thing with some who are indicated and probably shouldn't be."
However, attorneys who represent parents at appeals hearings have called child abuse investigations flawed and unreliable. In 2006, the News-Democrat reported that 53 children died while they were under DCFS' care following sloppy investigations by caseworkers.
This is exactly how it played out in our story. We are NOT alone in this STATE induced coercive nightmare. Or from the words of a girl with more diagnosis' covered up by the scandal of our STATE! We are paying the price for the one man who got away with it! OUR CPS dept admitted to the juvenile Judge in court that they NEVER did an investigation after 9 months into the case! They just pursued a story from a girl with 5 diagnosed mental conditions ....... never checking it out!
Way to go! CPS destroying innocent lives......
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Listen to Martina McBride singing - ANYWAY
This song is the reflection of a mother's love, years of energy and devotion poured into the hearts and lives of her children who at anytime can walk away as if you were never there. But this Mom will always love them anyway! She will dream of goodness, righteousness and truth to prevail on their behalf. She will dream of healing and restoration for their souls always......and will continue to be loyal and pray, never ceasing.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Why did she run away again????
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Listen now to "Bye Bye" by Mariah Carey
Friday, April 4, 2008
What's the POINT?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Grateful to be Forgiven! Celebrating the Risen Savior!
Part of our own forgiveness and redemption lies in forgiving those who have sinned against US! Suffering evil injustice and betrayal is nothing new under the sun. Jesus Christ was our example in dealing with such things himself! He was misunderstood and denied in His circle and sphere of influence. His hometown did not receive HIM! He was God come to us in the flesh! But people did not believe him or his disciples. They were threatened by His TRUTH and message. They wanted what they wanted instead and did not relent until HE was crucified before their eyes! This brought them temporary and false relief. They failed to recognize WHO they had in their midst. What we understand next is: there is NO rest for the wicked......none!
Sitting in prison for something you DID NOT do and knowing everyone involved knows it can bring hurt and dispair to the normal person. We have chosen to believe instead that with GOD all things are possible. God will work all things for good for those who are in Christ Jesus and trust their lives within HIS hands. He has a bigger plan for health and healing than what we can see at the moment. Jesus had to be put to death for something he did not deserve for there to be NEW LIFE. So if these drastic measures brought something great and wonderful for all of mankind than so can our inconvenience and injustice! It is by the "goodness of God" that men come to repentance with Godly sorrow for their sins. When that happens who knows what God will do next! We are hopeful for something great and miraculous to take place out of this horrible experience. HE knew before we did that we'd be hurled into this unwelcomed journey. Yet, we are still led and sustained by HIS peace in this ordeal. A peace that is not of this world. We hope you know this peace in your soul that we speak of.
We who sit wrongfully accused cling to The Promise of a Lifetime and rest assured that HE will never leave us or forsake us. Visit also our songlist we have for inspiration......
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sharing our Experience, Strength and Hope
I have loved my girls with only a mother's love and my instincts to protect have been in full force. But what else can we do really but honestly share our experience to help someone else who may be raising a child who was sexually abused at an early age and forewarn what the behaviors are to expect from a child who was damaged by the one who stole their innocence so brutally. Also may our experience alarm the world at the steps that are taken by tax paid state working folks to destroy innocent families and have no regard for the truth or getting these children the proper help they desperately need. FRAMING someone or anyone to make it go well for their promotion or careers. Sacrificing innocent lives in the process. If all it was to take was to love them into wholeness then my special needs girl would be well because that was the home she came from when she chose her own road instead.
She lived in a stable 2 parent family that provided a clean, peaceful and organized home. She loved her MOM and was like bondini to her all the years and then she truly loved her step dad who was kind and active in helping her in different things she needed. At our home, there were bedtimes,
Friday, January 4, 2008
Wrongfully Accused? How does this happen?
In our case a system that fails to do it's job. A system full of zealots, a wannabe ROBO COP detective new on the job goes gang busters on a story by a disturbed teen(who was molested at age 3!) who just wanted OUT of her "strict home" and bondage of home rules and structure to go with the local GIRLS GONE WILD! A detective who fails to find any truth to the story by evidence, prior history etc, etc, for 9 months after doing the only thing HE DOES do: BUST down the front door with a SWAT team to search and seize holding the parents to gunpoint to the head shouting CONFESS finding nothing to support the girls claims!! He fails to do his homework, research, joins in cahoots with a corrupt CPS system who never dis-believes the child accusing. A CPS system should be privy to the inappropriate twisted tendencies of a blooming teen who was molested at such a young age! But no! A system blocking EVERY witness testimony who knew the accuser's behaviors since a toddler. Submitting planted computer images (available 1 hour prior to trial) from a computer kept in a mechanic shop. Prosecutors who abuse their power and states resources and busts forward to destroy innocent lives, blocking all testimony that would prove innocence and all for a high profile notoriety case on a subject she(Ms. Prosecutor) maybe biased as to being a victim herself! Seems so by her unprofessional performance in court to manipulate the jury.
Not having $100,000 for your defense on hand to defend false allegations. Instead, you get an attorney who never spends more than 1 hour total time with the wrongfully accused prior to trial. Never hires his own investigator. An older retired attorney who appears confused and unprepared, who does NO CROSS EXAMINATION on prosecutors witnesses. Does not object to all the shanigans, leading questions, prosecutor facing the jury, rolling her eyes and all her body language showing her disdain. Does not bring up to the court all the ridiculous discrepancies in the delusional story. Does not study the facts or brings NO expert witness about anything about the case, ie: computer expert on the recently submitted images, psychologist review of all child's current and past mental conditions or asks each of the defense witnesses the proper questions!!!! Unbelievable. Off to prison because of a kangaroo court stonewalling the truth. A judge who clearly rules entirely for the cute young blonde, fake tan prosecutor who wears a tight short skirt hugging her every curve for the jury!
Again no evidence, no DNA, a simple he said she said! But because there was no $100,000 to spend on the defense it was a slam dunk frame job to cover up a series of mistakes on initial lack of detective work and CPS strong arming to win after being shamed by the doubting juvenile court judge because CPS never did their own investigation. CPS simply did what they always do and that is believe the child no matter what they say!
Right here in small town America where little small town folks paid by BIG tax payers money want to keep their jobs and get BIG recognition in their small town newspaper! What really will matter is: what they got to say to the Almighty one day about all the things they did in secret and what their MOTIVES were!
Number one way this happens is to have false accuser's with emotional disorders with no accountability!